Selling [SOLD] Account 2 Chars: Ranger (Sunsaya + Cold...

Discussion in 'Order and Chaos Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Order & Chaos Accounts - Buy and Sell, 3/8/13.

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  1. Order & Chaos Accounts - Buy and Sell

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    [SOLD] Account 2 Chars: Ranger (Sunsaya + Cold Killer's Dagger) and Tank (Kermode's Claw) Want to sell Order and Chaos Online (iOS) account with 2 characters: (1) Elf Ranger/Archer that is decked out (really only wanted a second cold killer's dagger)... - Sunsaya Crossbow - Cold Killer's Dagger - Black Lotus - Rune Fingerstall - Ansuri's Trophy - Cerulean Gem Ring - Dark Assassin's Ring - Hidden Cloak (and Planet Cloak of Barbarity) - Dark Assassin's Necklace (and Power Infusion Necklace) - 5/6 epic Keen Track Killer's gear (all but chest, which is Reinforced Stealth Hunter), but already learned recipe for chest as well if you want to upgrade later (I didn't because I didn't want to lose crit) - also have 2/6 epic Unfeeling Sneak Charger's gear (boots and gloves) - also have many other weapons (reinforced devil's dagger, laryngeal seal, windcutter, carrion low bow, etc.) as well as items from dungeons (rings, cloaks, etc.), Christmas apparel & Christmas Mr. Bones, over 20 agility scrolls, etc. If you want a list of everything, let me know - 133 gold - over 500 soul signets (2) Human Warrior/Tank - Kermode's Claw - Lava King Trident - Power Arm Guard - Strength Lace - Radical Guard Ring - Withered Ring of Offense - Powerful Blow Necklace - Wallow Evil Cloak - 5/6 epic Strong Stable Defender's gear (everything except for chest) - Flying Bow of Offense - Wall of Honor - Kermode's Tears (x2) - 15+ scrolls of strength, some scrolls of protection, etc. If you want a full list of everything, pm me - currently at 19 soul signets - 317 gold (although I have a ton of Vita Spring Drops, Volcanic Ash, etc. from the Rift dailies saved up on both toons, and you can turn those in to get more gold) There are 65 runes in the account. The subscription is currently set to expire mid-March. Currently on AF server. Pm me w/ offers if you're interested. WTS Elf Male Ranger lvl 60 for iOS Good looking male elf ranger. Gears: 4/6 keen track set 4/6 unfeeling sneak set Evil eye...
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  2. OP
    Neski Claims

    Neski Claims
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    interested in the Elf Male Ranger lvl 60 for iOS
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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