Looking to sell this account as I havent played in months. 108 Laff Maxed gags apart from Lv 5 Toon-Up Huge estate & clothing/item collection. Mr Hollywood Sellbot suit. Tightwad Cashbot Suit Bossbot/Lawbot not started - good account to get into the HQ's. This account is by no means absolutely maxed and there is still a good bit of progression you will be able to do once you take ownership. I am looking to swap this for an Albion Online account (can be the $30 entry one) or $35 in Paysafecard/Neteller/Skrill/Paypal. If you prefer you can buy the Albion Online account for $29.99 and then we can straight up swap. Drop me a PM on here, or email me at [email protected]. Alternatively you can add me on steam to discuss. http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198234533948/ EDIT: ACCOUNT SOLD OFF-SITE