I'm bored. Anyone make any advancements in # while I was gone? No, we're all kind of just running around with our heads cut off. Apparently, one guy found the values for the round time so he could change that, haven't really heard of him since then, but that would be pretty much as powerful as your # if he really did do it (he never showed us evidence). I've got a # that makes 36k/hour, that's probably the second or third most efficient tool for # RF now, apparently there's another guy who has basically the same # as me. Other than that, absolutely nothing has been done. Though, I have seen a couple of times about 10 rooms in the open channel with a 2 person, rumble mode setup, so my guess is a ton of people are trying to get this speed # working, though the RF demo thing is extremely inefficient. one guy found the values for the round time so he could change that Doubt it, they made it randomized like balls after I got banned. Chances of him doing it are slim to none, unless theres proof it didn't happen. # are always fun, but anyone can do that. Is ACTool a big thing now? I see some threads about it. lol I could find the values that froze the time quite easily, but I didn't know what to do with that. If I froze it at 0, I wasn't awarded any points, and if I froze it at 1...err..it would just stay at 1. I couldn't imagine trying to synchronize a # together with that so I haven't really done anything else, though I might want to take a stab at that again tonight. And ACTool isn't really popular, barely any of the idiots on this forum understand how to use it for whatever reason. None of them want to take 30 seconds to make a #, they just want everything handed to them. Welcome to GzP, thats why I left a few years ago >_> I haven't tried # since I got banned, haven't been playing but my brother has. I don't want to get him banned again so I'm staying away from it. I feel like they have my network card address or something since they aren't banning my brother, but they banned us both when I tried making another account. T_T Anyway, you can get the time values still? Yes, but like I said, I just don't know what to do with them - I suppose I could use a program like Axife to unfreeze and freeze the values, but...I don't know. I just want a stronger # weapon; making 36k an hour is godly for those who play Rumble Fighter legitly, but it's a nuisance to me and I want more. If I used Axife to # and freeze and unfreeze the time values, it could work...but it doesn't seem efficient enough. Of course, freezing the time value would be insanely handy if you were pulling an Astrael and wanting to get to an insanely high level - just use arena, freeze the time value, and use a speedhack. But, unfortunately I don't want to be a high level - I want a lot of carats. lol 'pulling an Astrael' How many addresses do you find for time, only 1? There should be at least 3, and one of them is more powerful than just changing time. There's 4. Could you go find them right now and tell me each address? I might be able to help you out. XD Yeah, give me like 10 minutes. What good will the addresses do for you though?