Sold So recently made a trade with Idi Oac for my...

Discussion in 'Order and Chaos Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Danny Torres, 10/14/16.

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  1. Danny Torres

    Danny Torres
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    So recently made a trade with Idi Oac for my mage to his arch.he ended up giving me my mage back and told me to keep arch since he doesn't play the game anymore.i end up putting money into arch to switch servers and name and now today i go log and info on arch is changed.dont know what to say.hopefully we get this sorted.
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  2. OP
    Ali Alp Alpdogan

    Ali Alp Alpdogan
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    Hope you fix the problems
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    Danny Torres

    Danny Torres
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    Me too man.thanks.i already put money into the other acc and everything and now its gone.second time this has happened.
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    Idi Oac

    Idi Oac
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    U got the acc for free lol and now i found someone who buys it...
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  5. OP
    Danny Torres

    Danny Torres
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    Doesnt matter bro.i put money into the acc and we traded.technically the arch was mine since i traded for just gave mage back.youre a scammer.
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  6. OP
    Oak Oac

    Oak Oac
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    Simple answer show proof he said the archer was 100% confirmed yours
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  7. OP
    Danny Torres

    Danny Torres
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    Done.there you go.he admits to the trade and taking the acc back.
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    Oak Oac

    Oak Oac
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    But he said you can play it not have it case closed
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    Danny Torres

    Danny Torres
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    Can you not read?he says he traded.then he gave the acc back.after he trades the arch is now mine.doesnt matter if he gives me ten more acc the arch was a trade we did for mage.end of story.cant just trade and decide when ever you want to take back the acc and go back on a trade
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  10. OP
    Danny Torres

    Danny Torres
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    Why trade if he gave it to me just to play on.and why would i change the server and the toon name if it was just to play for free till he wanted it back.doesnt make sense.
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  11. OP
    Idi Oac

    Idi Oac
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    Here it shows: play sin for free
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    Eric Derimklo

    Eric Derimklo
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    Danny Torres there wasn't a real trade. He just gave you the Archer to play on it (without mail). So you invested money on the Arch? It is your fault and nothing you can do. You didn't pay for the Arch and he either didn't gift you the Arch. If I was on this situation, i wouldn't pay anything on this account until he gave me the mail for this. Over.
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    William Will

    William Will
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    and why haven't u told him u'd like to add money into the acc ? all I see he allowed u to use it for free, not to start a new life
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  14. OP
    Lemi Oac

    Lemi Oac
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    wanna have another one for free? xD
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  15. OP
    Danny Torres

    Danny Torres
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    These idiots dont understand that we made a trade.we exchanged acc info and we both changed passwords to the accs.later on that day he told me he wont be able to sell the mage so i can take it back.thats a trade no matter how you look at if he didnt take the mage and switch pass then i can see how hed be giving me the arch just to play.but thats not the case.
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  16. OP
    Danny Torres

    Danny Torres
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    Btw i would show ss of the full convo but unfortunately i didnt think id get scammed by this piece of love you since he had like 10 plus vouches from know that point that know poeple were saying hes legit i didn't think i needed to keep messages of just us making a trade since i didn't think id get scammed.
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  17. PlayerUp

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    [trigger]Guide - How To Report A Dispute

    Automated Response

    If someone you believe has scammed you, please open a Dispute Form Here. Filing a report takes 2 minutes and will then provide us the necessary information to take action against the individual and assist you at resolving the dispute. Thank you for your cooperation on this matter and sorry to hear about the problems you experienced.

    [trigger=by]For: Danny Torres Re: #16[/trigger]
    #17 PlayerUp, 10/15/16
    Last edited by a moderator: 11/13/18
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  18. OP
    Danny Torres

    Danny Torres
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    As you can see in ss he posted be clearly says we made a trade.then after he decided to give mage back. A trade is not him giving me his arch free to play till he wants it back.and you can also see that he says what the password is to my mage.why would he take the mage and change pass if he didnt make a trade and just let me use an acc.use common sense.
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  19. OP
    Danny Torres

    Danny Torres
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    But im sure since hes friends with one of the admins on the page they will defend him regardless.if it was me doing this to someone else id be banned by now and called a scammer.he literally traded accs then decided he didnt want to keep it so gave it back.after we exchange acc info and check stuff out and change info then the accs are now traded.cant just take it back and you cant let someone play an acc free if you already traded the acc to them.i dont know how to explain it any simpler for you people to understand.
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  20. OP
    William Will

    William Will
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    Dude should relax. He just told u to play it for free, not to spend ur whole wage
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  21. OP
    Danny Torres

    Danny Torres
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    Wow youre dense. He gave me the mage back after we already made the trade for his arch.we both got acc info and changed the passwords.later that day he decided to give mage that point how can he tell me to play it free if i already officially own the acc
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