Selling Smite - Eso account ps4 NA

Discussion in 'Smite Accounts for Sale - Buy & Sell - Cheap Safe' started by Goddragon84, 6/16/17.

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  1. Goddragon84

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    ESO- Has multiple characters that are end game. 580 CP hasn't been played in months. Not sure what the cap is atm

    - Magic NB 2 sets of gear; dps set and tank set for a sap tank
    - Magic Temp set up for healing atm
    - HP DK Tank - Survives a large amount of 1 shot mechanics
    - Magic Sorc clears vMSA easily. messed around and went to the final boss flawlessly and lagged out.
    - Stam Sorc dps only
    - Stam NB dps 7+ trait crafter on almost everything 9 trait on most woodcrafting

    - 3 more characters that aren't fully geared up atm so i won't list them but a couple of them are max level such as a magic DK being 1 gear drop from COA away from being geared up.

    - Some vmsa weapons but i get bored there. Sharpened bow is vr 16 and golded out on the stam nb though probably 15+ dropped kena helms i'd guess 7 or so with a divine or infused trait.

    - Can log on to provide any information on this that's desired. - Could be talked into telling you exactly how to clear everything in vMSA and how i always farmed for gold and to teach you why some sets look weird and how to properly use them.

    -Smite -- around 600$ invested
    - God Pack
    - Time played Rank 3381
    - Global W/L Rank 2469
    - Global KDA Rank 2134
    - 6 diamonds - 79 gods mastered
    - Season 3 ranked plat in conq and joust
    - has some limited skins but it's a pain to list for no reason.
    - 230 some skins; missing new ones.
    _ Games _
    Anima: Gate if Memories
    Ark: Survival Evolved
    Assassin's Creed Syndicate
    Battlefield 4
    Battlefield Hardline
    DarkSouls III
    Diablo III - Not sure if this game is linked to my account or my other one
    Divinty: Original Sin Enhanced Edition
    Dragon ball Xenoverse
    For Honor
    Grim Fandango
    Grow Home
    Guns up
    Hardware: Rivals
    Invokers Tournament
    Kings Quest
    Lara croft and the temple of osiris
    Lichdom: Battlemage
    Lords of the Fallen
    Magika 2
    Metal Gear solid V
    Metro Redux
    NBA 2k16
    Need for speed
    No Mans Sky
    Resident Evil 6
    Risen 3: Titan lords
    Rocket League
    Rouge Galaxy
    Shadow of the beast
    Witcher 3
    Tom clancy Rainbow six siege
    Tom clancy The division
    Yugioh Legacy of the Duelist

    ESO is on disc so you won't get the game, But you'll get all my data associated with it.

    kik : davidash96
    I'm the only owner of this account to date. Moving towards PC gaming
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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