Sold | Smite Account: Level 30 ~ God Pack ~ 42 Skins ~ 520 Wins |

Discussion in 'Smite Accounts for Sale - Buy & Sell - Cheap Safe' started by Games, 4/21/15.

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  1. Games

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    Smite Account For Sale

    100,000 Favor

    1,100 Gems

    God Pack

    42 Skins

    Level 30

    Hello everyone, today I will be selling my Smite account. I do not like the direction the game is going, and have quit. I played since September, so it's been a year. This is a very good account with lots of skins. It has the god pack and all the gods so far. I basically have a skin for every god up to Chang'e, because I used to play so much I just wanted all of them. I have 42 skins all together. This is a very good account, and im sure you will be happy with it. The username is "maddbruhh" the stats are below~~~


    Agni (Rank 4): Incinerator - Volcanic

    Anhur (Rank 5): Olympian - Golden - Jungle King

    Anubis (Rank 1): Nightwalker

    Ao Kaung (Rank 3): Typhoon - Sacred Dragon

    Aphrodite (Rank 1): Afro-Dite

    Apollo (Rank 4): Slickshot - Golden

    Arachne (Rank 4): Black Widow

    Ares (Rank 0): No Skins

    Artemis (Rank 1): Stalker

    Athena (Rank 2): No Skins

    Bacchus (Rank 0): ***Father Chrishmas***

    Bakasura (Rank 3): Butcher

    Bastet (Rank 1): Dominatrix

    Chang'e (Rank 0): No Skins

    Chronos (Rank 0): No Skins

    Cupid (Rank 3): Lil' Devil

    Fenrir (Rank 2): Frostfang

    Freya (Rank 2): Frost Madien

    Guan Yu (Rank 5): Unstoppable Blade - Master Guan **

    Hades (Rank 1): Bloodfire - Soultaker

    He Bo (Rank 3): Cascade

    Hel (Rank 2): No Skins

    Hercules (Rank 3): Grand Slam

    Hun Batz (Rank 2): Red Demon - Shaolin Monk-ey

    Isis (Rank 0): Guardian Eternal

    Kali (Rank 1): No Skins

    Loki (Rank 2): SSSlither

    Ne Zha (Rank 3): Blue Lotus

    Neith (Rank 2): Mischievous - Ms. Diagnosis

    Odin (Rank 4): Mountain Man

    Poseidon (Rank 4): The Earthshaker - Golden

    Ra (Rank 0): Solar Sentinel - ***Alienware***

    Sobek (Rank 4): High Seas

    Thor (Rank 3): Righteous Hammer - Blood Eagle

    Tyr (Rank 0): Dark Judgement

    Vamana (Rank 0): Lil' Mana

    Vulcun (Rank 0): No Skins

    Xbalanque (Rank 0): No Skins

    Ymir (Rank 3): ***CacoDemon***

    Zues (Rank 1): No Skins

    Zhong Kui (Rank 0): No Skins

    That is all the skins. I hope you are interested, if you want to make a offer, Email me @ [email protected] /* */


    I can offer you account with D3(4x level 60) and it have WoW with 4x Level 85!

    PM me if intrested.

    Im sorry, not very interested. I was hoping for either a nice league of legends account or cash.

    Originally Posted by kina1978

    I can offer you account with D3(4x level 60) and it have WoW with 4x Level 85!

    PM me if intrested.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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