Smite Account | God Pack | 560 + Skins | 49 limited skins | S2 Duel Master | +info

Discussion in 'Smite Accounts for Sale - Buy & Sell - Cheap Safe' started by KoreanPs2, 7/21/17.

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  1. KoreanPs2

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    Account Info:

    • God Pack
    • Level 159 (80%~ to 160)
    • 89 Mastery
    • 45 Diamond Rank Gods
    • Season 2 Duel Master
    • Season 2 Conquest Diamond
    • Season 3 Duel/Conq Diamond
    • Season 4 Duel/Conq Diamond(Round 1)
    • Season 4 Joust Plat(Round 1)
    • 370/430 Achievements Progress
    • 574 Skins
    • 72 Ward Skins
    • 111 Icons
    • 89 Voice Packs
    • 3,862 Favor
    • 110 Gems
    • Full Odyssey 2015, 2016 and 2017
    • Summer of Smite 2017(Patch 4.13 Both new skins and Bonus Icon/Global
    • Emote)
    • Trials of King Hercules
    • Racer Rumble
    • Valley of Victory
    • Season Ticket 2017
    • Path of the Phantom Queen
    • Summer of Smite 2016
    • Viking Invasion
    • Escape from the Underworld
    • Season Ticket 2016
    • Rising Dawn
    • Summer of Smite 2015
    • Season Ticket 2015


    Season 4 Ranked:
    Season 3 Ranked:
    Diamond Mastery:

    God Skins per God:

    Agni - Incinerator(Recolor); Volcanic(400 Gems); Swagni(600 Gems); Curse Agni(Exclusive); Gemini(Exclusive); Encore(Exclusive);
    Infernal(Limited); Golden Skin.

    Ah Muzen Cab - Sting(Recolor); Dark Whisperer(600 Gems); Killer Bee(250 Gems); Swarm Sentry(Exclusive); Solid Hornet(Limited).

    Ah Puch - Death Mask(Recolor); Galatic Invader(400 Gems); Nutcromancer(Exclusive); Chilling Grasp(Exclusive).

    Amaterasu - Cerulean Sky(Recolor); Shining Heaven(250 Gems); Ordo Solarus(400 Gems); Foxy(Exclusive); SWC 2017 Heroine(Limited); Golden Skin.

    Anhur - Olympian(400 Gems); Jungle King(Recolor); Sand Warden(250 Gems); Fnatic(Exclusive); Duke Dan De Lyons(Exclusive); Star Lancer(Exclusive); Star Slayer(Limited); Shadow(Clan); Golden Skin.

    Anubis - Nightwalker(Recolor); Gravehound(400 Gems); Stargazer(400 Gems); Afterlife(250 Gems); Convention 2016(Exclusive); Adjudicator(Exclusive); K-9(Exclusive); Jackal Knight(Exclusive); Demonic Pact(Limited); Golden, Legendary, Diamond Skins.

    Ao Kuang - Tempest(Recolor); Dragon King(250 Gems); Clockwork Knight(Exclusive); NRG(Exclusive); Dragon Knight(Limited); Golden, Legendary, Diamond Skins.

    Aphrodite - Majestrix(Recolor); Afro-Dite(400 Gems); Diva(400 Gems); Beach Babe(Exclusive); Aphra Cadabra(Exclusive); Venus(Exclusive); Golden, Legendary, Diamond Skins.

    Apollo - Slickshot(Recolor); Elite Agent(600 Gems); Battle Bard(250 Gems); Team Solomid(Exclusive); Curse Voice(Exclusive); Vicious(Limited); 2017 Challenger(Limited); Winner's Circle(Limited); Golden Skin.

    Arachne - Black Widow(250 Gems); Toxic Caress(Recolor); Grim Weaver(Exclusive); Tormentula(Exclusive); Golden, Legendary, Diamond Skins.

    Ares - Destroyer(Recolor); Diamond Sword(400 Gems); SWC 2015(Exclusive); Soldier of Fortune(Exclusive); Fernando(Exclusive); Spectral Sword(Exclusive); Elevate(Exclusive); Golden Skin.

    Artemis - Wrangler(400 Gems); Recon(600 Gems); Briar Queen(250 Gems); Convention 2012(Exclusive); Stalker(Exclusive); Primal Huntress(Exclusive); Oak-seer(Exclusive); Golden, Legendary, Diamond Skins.

    Athena - High Counselor(Recolor); Red Star(400 Gems); Shield of the Gorgon(250 Gems); Peacekeeper(400 Gems); Liberté(Exclusive); Enforcer(Exclusive); Allegiance(Exclusive); Amazon(Exclusive); Winter Olympian(Limited); Golden Skin.

    Awilix - Blood Moon(Recolor); Renegade(600 Gems); Paradigm(Exclusive); Feline Fashion(Exclusive); Golden Skin.

    Bacchus - Regal Reveler(Recolor); Brynhildr(400 Gems); Father Chrishmash(Exclusive); The King(Exclusive); Enemy(Exclusive); Hoot 'n Holler(Exclusive); Golden.

    Bakasura - Death Machine(400 gems); Butcher(Recolor); Ravenous(250 Gems); Laughing Skull(400 Gems); Feaster Bunny(Exclusive); Rage(Limited); Golden, Legendary, Diamond Skins.

    Bastet - Dominatrix(Recolor); Covert Ops(400 Gems); Kawaii Pop(600 Gems); Arcane Assassin(250 Gems); Epsilon(Exclusive); Crimson Ops(Exclusive); Star Tamer(Exclusive); Golden Skin.

    Bellona - Battle Maiden(Recolor); Torment(400 Gems); Furiona(Exclusive); SPL 2016(Exclusive); Rock-a-Bellona(Exclusive); Enyo(Exclusive); Agony(Exclusive); Golden Skin.

    Cabrakan - Rampage(Recolor); Gamma Slam(400 Gems); Nerd Rage(Exclusive).

    Camazotz - Penumbra(Recolor); Jurassic(Exclusive); Stone Sentinel(Exclusive).

    Cernunnos - Samhain(Recolor);

    Chaac - Hailstorm(Recolor); Slaughterhouse(400 Gems); Boom Chaac-a-Laka(250 Gems); Cloud9(Exclusive); Chaac Latin America(Exclusive); Chaac Brazil(Exclusive); Chaacolate(Exclusive); Einherjar(Limited); Storm Jarl(Limited).

    Chang'e - Bright Moon(Recolor); Sun's Bride(400 Gems); Hunter's Moon(250 Gems); Enchanted(400 Gems); Moonlight Love(Exclusive); Lunar Tango(Exclusive); Intergalactic(Limited); Golden, Legendary, Diamond Skins.

    Chiron - Sagittarius(Recolor); Chevalier(250 Gems); Hellrider(400 Gems); Constable Moosejaw(Exclusive); Slay Bells(Exclusive); Golden Skin.

    Chronos - Time Lord(Recolor); Fallen Lord(400 Gems); Super Chronos 64(Exclusive); Father Time(Exclusive); NRG(Exclusive); Legendary Skin.

    Cu Chulainn - Hound of Ulster(Recolor).

    Cupid - Forest Nymph(Recolor); Lil' Devil(400 Gems); Loverboy(Recolor); Lucky Baby Fuwa(Exclusive); Bizzy B(Exclusive); Guttersniper(Exclusive); Golden, Legendary Skins.

    Da Ji - Vixen(Recolor); Foxy Lady(Exclusive).

    Erlang Shen - Illustrious(Recolor); Monster Trainer(Exclusive); Golden Skin.

    Fafnir - Covetous(Recolor); Dread-Lord(400 Gems); Griffindwarf(Limited); Golden Skin.

    Fenrir - Frostfang(Recolor); Metal Carnage(400 Gems); Iron Maw(250 Gems); Wreck The Halls(Exclusive); Lord Slashington III(Exclusive); Ragnarok(Exclusive); Wolf Man(Exclusive).

    Freya - Nothern Lights(Recolor); Frost Maiden(400 Gems); Valkyrie(250 Gems); Pixel Buster(Exclusive); All For One(Exclusive); Get Served(Exclusive); Golden, Legendary Skins.

    Ganesha - Ganpati(Recolor); Golden Skin.

    Geb - Molten Fury(Recolor); G.E.B. 1(600 Gems); Life's a Beach(Exclusive); Snowman(Exclusive); Golden Skin.

    Guan Yu - Unstoppable Blade(Recolor); Master Guan **(400 Gems); Convention 2014(Exclusive); Grim Horseman(Exclusive).

    Hades - Bloodfire(Recolor); Classic Hades(400 Gems); Soultaker(400 Gems); Grim Wraith(Exclusive); Heebee Chibi(Exclusive); Golden, Legendary Skins.

    He-Bo - Cascade(Recolor); He Bro(600 Gems); Infinity Wave(Exclusive); The Sydney Shredder(Exclusive); Lord of the Amazon(Exclusive); Golden Skin.

    Hel - Sugar and Spice(Recolor); Solstice(400 Gems); Expelled(600 Gems); Jingle Hel(Exclusive); Golden, Legendary, Diamond Skins.

    Hercules - Lion of Olympus(Recolor); Legion(250 Gems); Grand Slam(400 Gems); Legion(250 Gems); Derpules(Exclusive); La Roca(Exclusive); Hunkules(Exclusive); Retrocles(Limited); Vanguard(Limited).

    Hou Yi - Sunbreaker(Recolor); Grim Eclipse(Exclusive); Moon's Groom(400 Gems); Legendary(300 Gems); Searing Sun(250 Gems); Hou Ru Kai(400 Gems); Heaven's Arrow(Exclusive); Iron Crow(Limited); Golden Skin.

    Hun Batz - Red Demon(Recolor); Shaolin Monk-ey(400 Gems); Space Monkey(400 Gems); Hun.Bat(Exclusive); Golden Skin.

    Isis - Guardian Eternal(Recolor); Scarlet(400 Gems); Celestial(Exclusive); Denial(Exclusive); Desert Omen(250 Gems); Shadow(Clan); Golden Skin.

    Izanami - Dark Matron(Recolor); Plague-Bearer(Exclusive); Dreadful Doll(Exclusive).

    Janus - Gatekeeper(Recolor); Jandroid(400 Gems); Keymaster(Exclusive); Riftshaker(400 Gems); Ba5s Drop(Exclusive); Worldwalker(Exclusive); Golden Skin.

    Jing Wei - Reborn(Recolor); Pool Party(Exclusive); Mini Metal(400 Gems); Storm Raven(250 Gems).

    Kali - Demon Slayer(Recolor); Crimson Death(250 Gems); Convention 2013(Exclusive); Trophy Hunter(Exclusive); Skaliwag(Exclusive); Valkalli(Limited); Blood Jarl(Limited); Golden Skin.

    Khepri - Imperator(Recolor); Steel Scarab(Exclusive); Horned Beetle(250 Gems); Convention 2017(Exclusive); Shadow(Clan); Chef's Special(Exclusive); Ladybug(Exclusive); Hug Bug(Exclusive); Star Eater(Exclusive); Golden Skin.

    Kukulkan: Typhoon(Recolor); Sacred Dragon(400 Gems); Sir Pentsworth IV, ESQ.(Exclusive); Kuku(Exclusive); Quetzakukulkan(Exclusive); Breezy Chibi(Exclusive); Void Wyrm(Limited); Golden Skin.

    Kumbhakarna: Rip Van Kumbha(Recolor); Pijama Party(400 Gems); Warlord(Exclusive); Kumbhalayan Yeti(Exclusive); Golden Skin.

    Kuzenbo: Yokozuna(Recolor); Honorbound(250 Gems); Kaijunbo(Exclusive).

    Loki - Ssslither(Recolor); Grim Mariachi(Exclusive); White Death(Exclusive); Infiltrator(400 Gems); Joki(400 Gems); Loki Charms(Exclusive); Last Laugh(Limited); Golden, Legendary Skins.

    Medusa - Black Gorgon(Recolor); iDusa(Exclusive); Mortal Coil(250 Gems); Sea Maiden(Limited); Nebula(400 Gems).

    Mercury - Quicksilver(Recolor); Shaolin Fury(Exclusive); Run.Exe(Exclusive); Centurion(250 Gems); Prizefighter(Exclusive); Captain Quick(400 Gems); Modern Messenger(Exclusive); Envyus(Exclusive); Golden Skin.

    Ne Zha - Blue Lotus(Recolor); Cyberpunk(400 Gems); Fire Lord(400 Gems); Golden Skin.

    Neith - Mischievous(Recolor); Scarlet Dangerfield(Exclusive); Ms. Diagnosis(400 Gems); Buccaneith(Exclusive); Carnaval Queen(Exclusive); Harajuku(Exclusive); Worldweaver(250 Gems); Star Strike(Exclusive); Instakill(Exclusive); Eager(Exclusive); Golden, Legendary, Diamond Skins.

    Nemesis - No Mercy(Recolor); Blind Vengence(400 Gems); Silent Blade(Exclusive); Leona JPF(Exclusive); Modern Mercenary(Limited); Red Vengeance(250 Gems); AFK(Exclusive); Executioner(Limited).

    Nike - Peregrine(Recolor); Conqueror(Limited); The Sparrow(400 Gems).

    Nox - Crimson Eclipse(Recolor); Madame Darkness(400 Gems); BunBun(Exclusive); Heartbreaker(Exclusive); Lady Liberty(Exclusive); Grim Shadow; Legendary Skin.

    Nu Wa - Amethyst(Recolor); Water Dancer(Exclusive); Old Wa(Exclusive); Aurum(Exclusive); Nu Horizons(Exclusive); Nice and Naughty(Exclusive); Oktoberfest(Exclusive); Challenger(Exclusive); Ace(Exclusive); Golden, Legendary, Diamond Skins.

    Odin - The Huntsman(Recolor); Daimyodin(400 Gems); Mountain Man(400 Gems); Pandamonium(Exclusive); Raven's Throne(250 Gems); Dread Knight(Exclusive); Worlds Collide(Exclusive).

    Osiris - Exalted One(Recolor); The RE-Animated(Exclusive); Frankenhotep(Exclusive); Lord of Silence(250 Gems); Black Knight(Exclusive); Noble Knight(Exclusive).

    Poseidon - The Earthshaker(Recolor); Dreadbeard(600 Gems); King of the Deep(Exclusive); Abyssal Sorcerer(Limited); London Conspiracy(Exclusive); Golden Skin.

    Ra - Silve-Ra-Do(Recolor); Sunstar(Limited); Solar Eclipse(Exclusive); Solar Sentinel(400 Gems); Ra'Merica(Exclusive); Eldritch(Exclusive); Beamy Chibi(Exclusive); Alienware(Exclusive); Golden, Legendary Skins.

    Raijin - Nimbus(Recolor); Devil Horns(400 Gems); Thunder's Roar(250 Gems); Drums Out(Exclusive).

    Rama - Valiant One(Recolor); Orbital Strike(Exclusive); Last Commando(Exclusive); Nature's Guardian(400 Gems); Dignitas(Exclusive).

    Ratatoskr - Flurry(Recolor); Armored Scurrier(250 Gems); Ragnatoskr(Exclusive); Festive(Exclusive); Squirrel Squad(400 Gems); Eager(Exclusive); Eager(Exclusive).

    Ravana - Tyrant(Recolor); Rock From Bisrakh(Exclusive); Demon King(250 Gems); King of the Ring(Limited).

    Scylla - Tiny Terror(Recolor); Daisy Despair(400 Gem); Lil' Red(Exclusive); Prototype(Exclusive); Child's Play(Exclusive); Vampiric(Limited); Cog Scylla(Exclusive); Golden, Legendary, Diamond Skins.

    Serqet - Venom(Recolor); Dread Queen(Exclusive); Madame Blade(400 Gems); Desert Queen(250 Gems); Demonsoul(Exclusive); Ebonsoul(Limited).

    Skadi - Winter's Wrath(Recolor); Frostbound (250 Gems); Ski Patrol(600 Gems); Such Cold(Exclusive).

    Sobek - Death Dealer(Recolor); Crikeydile(Exclusive); Kaiju(Exclusive); High Seas(600 Gems); Land Shark(Exclusive); Nile Stalker(250 Gems); SoaRbek(Exclusive); Golden Skin.

    Sol - Supernova(Recolor); Polaris(250 Gems); EpSOLon(Exclusive); Meltdown(Exclusive); Cosmic(Exclusive); Soulless Machine(Limited).

    Sun Wukong - Silver Sage(Recolor); Sun Wu Xing(Limited); Dark Lord(600 Gems); Heavenly Warlord(250 Gems); Team Solomid(Exclusive).

    Susano - Scarlet Storm(Recolor); Steel Samurai(Exclusive); Swashbuckler(Limited); Serpent Slayer(250 Gems); Luminosity(Exclusive).

    Sylvanus - Permafrost(Recolor); High Noon(Exclusive); Season's Spirit(Exclusive); Deathcap(250 Gems); Bob Ross(Exclusive); Dr. Vanus(Limited); Legendary Skin.

    Terra - Firma(Recolor); Igneous(Exclusive); Spriggan(Exclusive); Golden Skin.

    Thanatos - Soul Harvester(Recolor); Jack The Reaper(Exclusive); Reaper Tech(400 Gems); Final Boss(400 Gems); Obey(Exclusive); Archon(Limited); Golden Skin.

    The Morrigan - Scarlet Sorceress(Recolor); Woodland Rogue(Limited); Twisted Metal(Exclusive); Legendary Skin.

    Thor - Righteous Hammer(Recolor); Wrath of Valhalla(250 Gems); Heavy Metal(400 Gems); Barbarian(Exclusive); Blood Eagle(400 Gems); Shadow(Clan); Iron Gamer(250 Gems); Ragnarok Force X(Limited); Golden Skin.

    Thoth - Sanguine Scribe(Recolor); Star Scribe(Limited); Vizier(400 Gems).

    Tyr - Dark Judgement(Recolor); Privatyr(400 Gems); King Ar-Tyr(400 Gems), Hail to the King(Exclusive); Shadow(Clan); Draco Knight(Exclusive); Convention 2015(Exclusive); Golden, Legendary, Diamond Skins.

    Ullr - Strider(Recolor); The Survivor(400 Gems); Wyrm Slayer(400 Gems); Secret Order(Exclusive); Dragonsbane(Exclusive); Berseker(Limited);

    Vamana - Divine Protector(Recolor); Lil' Mana(600 Gems); Cangaceiro(Exclusive); Rakshasa(250 Gems).

    Vulcan - Ironsmith(Recolor); Sentry(400 Gems); Warforged(250 Gems); Vulcap'n Redbeard(Exclusive); Full Metal(Exclusive); Titan(Exclusive); Golden Skin.

    Xbalanque - Jungle Beast(Recolor); Shinobalanque(400 Gems); Jag.Rar(Exclusive); Jaguar Footballer(Exclusive); Football Star 2014(Limited); Weltmeister 2014(Limited); SPL 2015 NA(Limited); SPL 2015 EU(Limited); Golden Skin.

    Xing Tian - Indomitable(Recolor); Siege Engine(400 Gems); Iron Tyrant(Limited); The Undying(250 Gems); Tiermonster(250 Gems).

    Ymir - Obsidian Shard(400 Gems); DIGI-MIR 9000(400 Gems); Baron Frostchild(Exclusive); Nuclear Winter(Exclusive); Irezumir(Exclusive); Cacodemon(Limited); Golden Skin.

    Zeus - Thunderhead(Recolor); Stormbringer(400 Gems); Almighty(400 Gems); Wrath of Olympus(250 Gems); Uncle Zeus(Exclusive); Heaven's Rave(Exclusive); X(Exclusive); SWC 2016(Limited); Golden Skin.

    Zhong Kui - King of Ghosts(Recolor); G.I.Zhong(600 Gems; Demon Catcher(Exclusive); Golden Skin.

    Note: The account has 35.900 FP, that means that every reward from this year season ticket is already unlocked(Including every Undying Chest 2017).

    I'm open to Offers, but keep it in your mind: You can get Thanatos Archon and Thor Ragnarok Force X for 1.000/500 dollars respectively by donating in HiRez Special Stream and I have them both. So be reasonable when offering(And I also have Demonic Pact Anubis).

    Payment: PayPal

    Feel free to leave a message in this topic or send me a PM with any questions. Skype: [email protected]

    Information may be updated as the time goes on.
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