Sold SMITE Acc |700 Skins |127 Gods | Rare Limited & Crossover Skins | 67 Wards | 50+ Recall & Emote Effe

Discussion in 'Smite Accounts for Sale - Buy & Sell - Cheap Safe' started by zmishe23, 12/1/24.

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  1. zmishe23

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    Info of Account

    This SMITE account offers a vast collection of premium cosmetic items, rare skins, and full god unlocks, perfect for players looking to instantly upgrade their experience. Below are the complete details of what this account includes :

    1. Skins Collection:
    - 700+ Skins: Includes highly sought-after and rare skins, such as:
    - Limited Skins: Exclusive skins like *Iron Crow Hou Yi*, *Retrolocked Hercules*, *Executioner Nemesis*, *Solid Hornet Ah Muzen Cab*, and *SPL 2015 Xbalanque
    - Crossover Skins: Unique crossover skins from *Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles*, *Avatar: The Last Airbender *Transformers*, and *Stranger Things (Optimus Prime Geb, Aang Merlin, Raphael Loki, Eleven Scylla, etc
    - Event-Exclusive Skins: Skins from limited-time events, including *Ragnarok Force X Thor*, *Queen Cobra Medusa*, *Royal Champion Amaterasu*, *Sunstar Ra*, and more.

    2. Gods and Wards:
    - 127 Gods Unlocked: All gods unlocked and ready to use in any mode, ensuring complete freedom in gameplay.
    - 67 Ward Skins: A comprehensive collection of ward skins, ranging from common to rare, including themed wards like *Dragon Eye*, *Shadow Spawn Heart Bomb and more

    3. Effects & Visual Customizations:
    - Recall Skins: Over 50 recall effects, including rare ones like *Lightning Recall*, *Shadow Spawn*, *Supernova*, and others from limited events.
    - Global Emotes: A wide range of emotes, including exclusive ones like *Smite World Championship Emote* and other iconic global emotes.
    - Jump Stamps: Over 20 jump stamps such as *Shadow Spawn*, *GG Stamp*, *Halloween Exclusive Jump*, *Pumpkin Stamp*, and more

    - Loading Frames and Screens: Several limited and rare loading frames and screens, including *SMITE Birthday Frames*, *World Championship Frames*, *Holiday-themed Frames and more

    4. Pedestals & Announcer Packs:
    - Pedestals: Unique and rare pedestals to showcase your skins, such as *Stormbringer Pedestal*, *Electric Skin Pedestal*, and others.
    - Announcer Packs: Over 40 announcer packs, including *TMNT*, *Avatar: The Last Airbender*, and several event-exclusive packs that add a unique flavor to your gameplay

    5. Music & HUD Themes:
    - Music Themes: A variety of music themes that enhance in-game experience, including exclusive ones like *SMITE World Championship Music*.
    - HUD Themes: Various HUD themes to customize your in-game interface

    6. Death Marks, Level-Up Skins, and Fountain Skins:
    - Death Marks: Exclusive death mark effects like *GG*, *Dollar Sign*, *Pumpkin Explosion*, and more.
    - Level-Up Skins: Includes unique and rare level-up effects such as *Halloween Exclusive* and *Energy Blast*.
    - Fountain Skins: Rare fountain effects like *Volcanic Eruption Fountain* and *Supernova Fountain

    7. Titles & Achievements:
    - Exclusive Titles: Rare titles like *Iron Crow*, *Executioner*, *Solid Hornet*, *SPL Champion*, and many more.
    - Player Level and Mastery: Level 127 with a mastery over all gods, showing the experience and dedication behind this account


    WHY US ?

    All our accounts are 100% SECURE. We do not sell any stolen accounts.

    We sell many accounts at very CHEAP price compared to other stores.

    Username & Password is changeable.

    Don't be shy to contact me to ask about anything!

    More Info of Account











































































    #1 zmishe23, 12/1/24
    Last edited: 12/3/24
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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