Sold [Smash Legend] TOP 100 account - 9/10 Legends - 8000 trophies - High level Acc

Discussion in 'Smash Legends Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by haslan, 5/30/21.

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  1. haslan

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    Hey, my name is haslan and I want to sell my account of the newly released brawl stars / smash bros. like game Smash Legends, avalible for Android/IOS/Steam with Crossplay. This is 1st day account, I've been playing since the game came out.

    Details of the account:

    - 8000 trophies. The account is in the 100 highest trophy accounts worlwide. Easy to get a really high top position if you play just a...

    [Smash Legend] TOP 100 account - 9/10 Legends - 8000 trophies - High level Acc
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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