Sold Slayer 46 Vulpin Andromeda EU

Discussion in 'Elyon Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by 1337MMOcurrency, 11/12/21.

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  1. 1337MMOcurrency

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    Selling my account with ~500 hours spent on it

    - Level 46 Vulpin Male Human Slayer
    - Item level: 440-450 - pvp and pve gear with good stats
    - x5 T5 runestones and the rest are T4
    - 200+ attribute skill points
    - mana awakening level 33
    - T4 Fate Altar Luminus
    - T2 Pet Cat
    - pioneer token mount (fastest)
    - Gold: 6+ million
    - 96 slots inventory (12 rows) + 2nd page in storage with 35 more slots (5 rows)
    - 42 slot material bag from ruby shop
    - 18 days of star blessing +7 more days from steam...

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    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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