The main selling point for my account features 5 characters, 4 of which are graduated from 100 cap, 2 of which are fully amped(+10 fully amped on one character, 6 +11 amps on right side, +10 on left side and +13 wep on the other char) The other two characters have partial amps as well (12 reinforce earring, +10 amp magic stone/sub equip) The account is pretty decked out, has a fair bit of avatars inculding full rare sets and rare clone sets+ and past avatar packs. Alot of BiS stuff inculding titles, pets,. emblems even pet artifacts on my main. All 4 characters have many titles/transformation that are no longer available to obtain(Full old ToD titles/all of them have luke conq titles and 2 of them have some anton titles as well) There safes are upgraded to at least diamond some a bit higher then that and literally full of epics grinded like really fulll lawl. 3 of them are mythic grads and 1 is a very strong mythic grad but has an even stronger mythic in his safe missing 2 pieces to complete it. All 4 chars are maxed on buff swap(warped +10) and have battle plats already gold emblems socketed(the whole deal skin and weapon clone socketed) Auras are BiS (almighty on 2 and ele A on 2) Pets are /runa on 2, SD elonse on 1 and SD alonse & elonse on 1) All 4 have swap pets for those who are really interested in min maxing there dmg already and other pets i bought purely for there cosmetic apperance. The enchants are BiS except for the accs enchants which some are still 25 ele and some are BiS at 30. you can hit me up on discord/ OOF CLAPPED#3077 to discuss prices/offers and screenshots etc.