Selling  | SIRHURT | Roblox windows executor | 99% UNC | Since 2015 | Main option

Discussion in 'Roblox Items for Sale - Buy / Sell Roblox Item' started by bannity, 3/5/25 at 6:23 PM.

  1. bannity

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    Telegram contact at bottom of thread to purchase!

    Prices CLICK BELOW
    • 7 days key (windows) - $2.80
    • 30 days key (windows) - $10.50
    • Lifetime key (windows) - $100

    Payment Methods CLICK BELOW
    • Litecoin (no exchange needed)
    Note; If you need another payment method such as; bank transfer, paypal, cashapp, zelle, venmo, bitcoin, ethereum and anything else I can suggest an exchange service at the time. For extra fee for exchanging

    Features & Info CLICK BELOW
    ✔️ Powerful LuaU executor run scripts with accuracy.
    ✔️ Faster updates for security patches and features!
    ✔️ Clean UI and website (user friendly for all user)
    ✔️ Custom DLL injection - SirHurt uses it’s own system.
    ✔️ Very competitive pricing!
    ✔️ A dedicated support team always willing to help their users.

    Why SirHurt and not something else?
    • SirHurt was also known as AssHurt and is known as a level 8 exploit with powerful functions to bring your exploiting to a whole new level. You can execute scripts and cheat like you always wanted to on Roblox! Making it one of the most stable, last longing exploits in the market, I will recommend SirHurt to anyone wanting to have a running exploit with support and frequent updates. SirHurt comes packed with features and you certainly get your moneys out of this product.

    Showcase video

    Telegram - bammity
    (Click to bring to my TG profile)

    All sales are final unless I think otherwise

    SEO keywords (ignore);

    Roblox exploit, Roblox executor, sirhurt, asshurt, level 8 exploit, level 7 exploit, 100% UNC, 99% UNC, stable, for sale, crypto, payment methods, litecoin, bitcoin, paypal, robux, cashapp, ethereum, roblox cheat, roblox #, script exectutor, luaU, custom dll, cheap exploit, working, support, windows, fast updates, mod menu, cheats, scripts