Selling silver viper surpass the world Rg

Discussion in 'Age of Wushu Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Joshua JOnes, 5/24/16.

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  1. Joshua JOnes

    Joshua JOnes
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    Vip still active till june hit me up pls

    Name : LInsanity
    Level: Shake the world
    server: Silver viper
    school: blood blade (level 30 second inner)
    hp: 14212
    energy: 3440
    brawn 293
    dexterity 222
    breath 150
    spirit 111
    stamina 177

    emei 108/108
    WV 72/72
    beggars 108/108
    wudang 36/36
    scholars 36/36
    tangmen 108/108
    royal guard 180/180 blood blade 15/72
    shaolin 108/108

    Drunken Master
    Flying cloud sword
    Blood killing knife (level 3 rage level 4)
    Heaven net dance (level 6)
    soul chasing claw (level 8)

    [email protected]. your price but nothing lower than 150$. want to sell for in game gold. so hit me up.
    Toon is currently in blood blade
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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