Hi, in this Threat you see an nice offer! I have 2x an SBot Account and i want to rent this 4 IP's to YOU! This is YOUR chance to get an IP! Avalible IP's: 3x Price: 5€ OR 200m/mounth on Server Athens. Note: I dont accept any cards like Wallie or anything else. I ONLY accept banktransfer or PayPal or PSC if you buy 4 mounths (i prefer banktransfer). And i prefer GERMAN customers becouse of the language. This Accounts are not for sell! Only thing you can do is rent an IP. Feel free to contact me via ICQ: 299-842-842 my ICQ name is: bERNI (Please write me a message when you add me in ICQ that you want to rent an SBot IP) RegardsBuying {WTB} sbot old Account