Hey all this is one of my very first accounts later on i'll edit and put some pics of my account to prove im not a scammer =D here on Pacific my character is lvl 55 Nuker even though he not fully farmed he has all the skills he needs for a lvl 55 His main is Sword/Shield Has lvl 50+ Items on him He has around 100k and im Selling him for 10Million on Server Mars Or 20Dollars through Payal If u wanna trade him trade me something on MARS Server Something lyke 45 to 55 Account plz state the class The reason im selling him cheap isnt cuz he do shitty damage or is fked up it cuz i dunt play him anymore so i decide to sell him also since it was my first character i have no Clue wat the S.A is but.... I assure u i would Never play on it again cuz NONE of my friends play on pacific so ya =D PM me on or put ur Email down if ur interestedBuying Im Looking For A 70+ Glavier