I wish that all would take a go at this. The task that you will be confronted with is for you too choose, for you to think about and for you to complete. I wish for you to try and make a signature that Outlines me. Please don't do big strap ons with the name KEVIN ROXX on it xD. And don't do negative signatures for me please. sure il try but il have to w8 till i get my computer back thanks Anybody else? :O Comeon you guys all own at making signatures and whoever makes me one is my friend How Can We Make One That Outlines You, When We Dont Know Each Other In Real Life. I Dont Know Your Personality, But Judging From The Way You Act, And Talk, Im Guessing A Bit Immature. lol yesthis is very true even though stroup can be pretty imature at times also lmao ill try once my photoshop starts working more Ahh well just make some funky shooting signature. Stroup you can't talk Xx. Anyway I may be immature but only because I am not getting any more from this site than I had. Here Thanks a lot that's a nice sig