Title Aion's Choose Good GP and AP on char. Sharphtoo Mount PLUME MB +6 Got Pet Buff 2 scrolls, one food and one drink ( good a lot!!! ) female MACES: <Enraged Hyperion's Mace> (HP) ( WAter Dragon SKIN ) <Discordant Mace>+10 (Block BLIND GODSTONE) <ECLIPSE +10> FULL MR (SILENCE GODSTONE) Shield's <Discordant Scale Shield>(+10) <PURE Lunatic Modor's Scale Shield +5> (6 slot manastones, Hp) <eCLIPSE +15> FULL MR PVP JEWELS All Discordant's (Blood Mark) Staff's <Incensed Hyperion's Staff>+10 <Vasharti Brigade General's Cane> +8 13.5% Pvp Magical Attack with Idian ( 6 slots Ancient MB+32, and 6 Slots Magic Boost 27 / Magic Acc +7 ) Set PVE FULL ENRANGED HYPERIONS (HP SET, WITH ALL BUFFS AND FOODS 20K+++ HP) Gloves are Kahrun with HP. SET PVP(1) BLOD MARK SET ALL +10 WITH BLOCK (3K990 WITH IDIAN) (PANTS and ARMOR ARE MYTHIC,160+ BLOOD MEDALS) SET PVP(2) DPS DPS DPS ABYSS RANK1 <Shepherd's Divine Hauberk> ALL SET ABYS RANK1 +5 MANASTONES MAGIC BOOST 27 / MAGIC ACC +7 (ALL SLOTS, WITH BUFF'S AND STUFFS 4K100 MAGIC BOOST AND 2K300+ MAGICAL ACC) SET PVP(3) STAR2 ECLIPSE FULL ECLIPSE WITH RESIST MAGIC (SUNAYAKA HELM TOO) ALMOST 3K RESIT MAGIC, I DONT REMMEMBER PVE JEWELS <Enraged Hyperion's Ceramium Necklace> <Enraged Hyperion's Ceramium Earrings> <Enraged Hyperion's Ceramium Ring> <Legendary Noble Nolan Ring> <Exalted Nolan Earrings> <Legendary Noble Katalium Sash>+1 <Kunax's Nolan Ring> +2 <Kunax's Nolan Ring> Helms <Tac Officer's Divine Chain Hood> <Brazen Aegis Chain Helm> <Vanquisher's Divine Chain Hood> <Vasharti Brigade General's Cleric Chain Helm> <Fearless Skirmisher's Chain Hood> <Lunatic Modor's Cleric Chain Hood> SUNAYAKA (MAGIC RESIST 180+) Wings <Beritra's Phantom Wings> (Nice SKIN! One dark blue butterfly xD) <Special Elite Ambassador's Divine Wings> (ABBYS RANK1 WING) Aditional Stuffs <Major Blessed Augment: Level 2> x3 No Manastones Set's in Warehouse <Bastion Protector Firm Scale Shield> <Bastion Protector Firm Brogans> <Bastion Protector Firm Handguards> Have other part too, dont remmember ------------------------------------------------------ IS Incensed complete (With Staff +10) <Incensed Hyperion's Cleric Chain Boots> <Incensed Hyperion's Cleric Chain Armor> <Incensed Hyperion's Cleric Chain Leg Armor> <Incensed Hyperion's Cleric Handguards> <Incensed Hyperion's Cleric Spaulders> have more sttuf in warehouse --------------------------------------------------------- 170 BLOOD MEDAL, 2K ANCIENT COIN, 1K BLOOD MARKS 70CERAMIUNS MEDAL, 12 GLORYARENAS --------------------------------------------------------- FRIENDLY CHARACTER, EASY GROUPS AND RESPECT.