Sold Shopify Dropshipping Private Mentorship | $70,000 Monthly Revenue | 0/5 SPOTS FILLED

Discussion in 'Shopify Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Hack Forums - Premium, 5/17/19.

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  1. Hack Forums - Premium

    Hack Forums - Premium
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    Some of you may remember me from my previous Amazon FBA mentorship program, however I've recently ventured into Shopify Dropshipping and found a great amount of success with it so far. I've always had a passion for teaching and helping others make money which is why I've decided to offer my knowledge to only a few select people each month. I will literally be teaching you everything from start to finish, sharing with you all my strategies and exactly how I run my own stores. Due to my poor previous experiences on this forum, I ask that you only contact me if you are serious about making money online - I don't have time for lazy people.

    Below are the results from one of my most recent stores, clocking in almost $70,000 in sales in the first 30 days with a 28% profit margin:

    What you will be learning through the course of this mentorship:
    • How to easily find winning products
    • Properly setting up your website
    • Creating effective advertisements for Facebook.
    • My exact Facebook. ad strategy
    • Optimizing your website/advertising to increase conversions
    • How to completely automate your store
    • Various tips and "hacks" such as utilizing your store to travel around the world for free
    The greatest part about my strategy is that it is easily replicable, meaning you can use this strategy on future products/stores that you will create and it doesn't require dozens of hours just to create your website. As shown by my results, this business can take off very fast once you have found a winner. This brand new store was doing $1,000+ daily sales after only 5 days. Shopify stores are also incredibly easy to scale because Facebook.'s algorithm is doing most of the work for you, the main reason so many people end up failing is because they have no idea what they are doing and don't have proper guidance to help them succeed.

    Pricing Information:
    ONLY 5 students per month - $1,500 per person
    This may seem like a "high" price, but I'm telling you now that you will not find an offer like this anywhere else. Most Shopify gurus on YouTube/social media charges upwards of $1,000 for their courses and 99% of these people don't even actually sell on Shopify. I'm completely transparent on how much I'm currently earning and have no problem with proving it to you. If you're serious about e-commerce and entrepreneurship, get in contact with me and I promise it will be worth your time. The price I am charging is nothing compared to the potential upside.

    Feel free to PM me or post here if you have any questions or would like more information.
    Buy Now

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