this account is a Shock the World Wudang All Wudang inners maxed to the max! 1st inner:36 2nd inner:36 3rd inner: 36 Wudang 4th 49/49 Chaotic Yuan: 31/40 Poison toad 1/2 Meridians: All 108 Stats:Brawn:229 Breath:471 Spirit:200 Stam: 239 HP: 14089 Energy:4893 Cash sets: Yuanyang Twin blades Iron Head Dragon subduing slaps Mozi Sword 9 Palace Shenfeng Skill Phantom Twin daggers 8 trigrams Victorious staff LORES: Single Blade: Tiger-Slaying Scabbard Single Sword: Green Bamboo Scabbard and Umbrella(Memories) Twin Blades: 3 STAR LORE: Watching Moon Blade Sheath Staff: Nunki Staff Scabbard and Spiked Club Sheath Twin Sword: Mandarin Duck Double-Blade scabbard Dagger: Liesure Fan Sheath Twin Dagger: Water-Splitting Flying Fish Stiletto sheath Armor: Ghost Wing Butterfly Love Black and White messengers of death I've collected every single 1 star lore as well Notable Skills/Sets Snow Sword knockdown and rage lvl 3 and parry buff Full Taiji Fist (opening taiji lvl 5 and plume lvl 3) ( Have 10% rage anno book and gold bracers with 10%) Full Chain set Full Beast villa Set( Dragon and Tiger Taming fist) Full Long-Boxing style Full crazed demon staff Horse+Circle the moon thrice lvl 5 Turn weapon around lvl 4 Full c7 Full Golden Chasing Sting Full Perish blade with some lvl 5 skills( Perfect PvE set you will not die) Disguise and a bunch of other useful sets Has Panda Mink and Monkey Pet Double Saddle 100+ 5 aggregates 1+ monthy sign in token Items to disguise from wudang Obviously a pimped out account with a lot of money put into it Lores alone cost more than im selling xD Starting offer: $300 pm me for details or add me on Skype: TooSleep (Can provide screenshots and i might update on things i forgot to mention)