Selling Shock The World Beggar Female Inner: Beggar 4th -...

Discussion in 'Age of Wushu Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Jorge Aston, 2/10/15.

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  1. Jorge Aston

    Jorge Aston
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    Shock The World Beggar Female Inner: Beggar 4th - lvl 49/49 Beggar 5th - lvl 30/30 Blood Blade - lvl 49/56 Taoist Divination - lvl 1/9 Meridian: Top 2 ranking All Meridian maxed 144 and Beggar 180 Artifact : Brawn 38/50, Dex 30/50, Stamina 42/50 Armor: Reduce Dmg Effect G = Also have Gold one in Bank Jade C6 Head : Stamina/Brawn/Stamina G Jade C6 Necklace : Brawn/Stamina/Stamina G Jade C6 Chest: Stamina/Stamina/Brawn (Treasure Cloak Protection Effect) G Jade C6 Pant: Brawn/Dex/Brawn G Jade C6 Bracer: Brawn/Brawn/Stamina (20% Open Taiji Ancient Manual, 10% Charge) G Jade C6 Legging: Brawn/Brawn/Dex G Jade C6 Boots: Brawn/Dex/Brawn Jade C6 Earring: Brawn/Brawn/Dex G Jade C5 Earring: Stamina/Breath/Breath G Jade C5 Ring: Brawn/Brawn/Dex (Crit after 6 chain attacks) G Jade C5 Ring: Brawn/Brawn/Dex (Crit after 6 chain attacks) G Weapon: (Crit after 6 chain attacks) G = Also have Gold one in Bank Jade C6 Chef Stick : 6 Lines Weapon Dmg: 33/35/33/35/22/30 G Jade C6 Chef Single Blade: 6 Lines Weapon Dmg: 30/30/30/30/33/22 G Jade C5 Chef Claw : 6 Lines Weapon Dmg: 16/25/25/25/21/27 Jade C6 Chef Double Sting: 5 Lines Weapon Dmg: 22/33/33/33/35 Def Breaking: 40 G Jade C6 Chef Double Blade: 5 Lines Weapon Dmg: 27/30/30/35/35 Def Breaking: 32 G Jade C5 Blacksmith Double Blade: 3 Lines Weapon Dmg: 27/27/27 Skill: 20% Yuanyang Twin Blade Spin, 10% Charge Gold C6 Chef Flute: 6 Lines Weapon Dmg: 21/21/23/26/26/26 Gold C6 Chef Staff: 5 Lines Weapon Dmg: 20/21/26/29/29 Def Breaking: 23 Gold C5 Chef Ruler: 5 Lines Weapon Dmg: 15/18/20/22/22 Def Breaking 25 Annotation Book 10% Open Tai Chi (Ancient) 10% Luring the Dog to Camp 10% YuanYan Twin Blade Spin 10% Spirit Snake Rage Many more 10% strong skills that this account had Pet Pony Pand Mink Red Flame Bird (unlimited send mail) Life Skill Herbalist - Epic/Max 350k exp Tailor - Skilled Tailor 84.7k Miner - Legendary/Max 33.7200 exp Musician - Grand Master 175k exp Beggar - Hunter - Wood Cutter - Farmer - All Grand Master Weapon Manual Bare Hand : 58 Dmg 10/128 Single Blade: 86 Dmg 200/256 Double Blade: 130 Dmg 146/512 Stick: 194 Dmg 231/600 Double Sting: 130 Dmg 0/512 Staff: 38 Dmg 2/64 Treasures External Crit Dmg Max Hp Crit Dmg Reduce Current Attributes (No buff) (Based on Beggar 4th inner capped Brawn/Dex/Stamina) HP: 17,165 Energy: 3,648 Brawn: 593 Dex: 210 Breath: 87 Spirit: 77 Stamina: 302 Lore: Weapon Single Blade: Cold Moon Knife (3star lore) Single Sword: Green Bamboo Scrabbard, Memories (umbrella) Twin Blade: Lovebirds Butterfly Scabbard, Qiwu Double Blade Staff: Pear-Blossom Silver Spear Cover (3star lore), Crescent Staff Cover, Pegasus Set (Horse Staff) Stick: Green Bamboo Staff Cover, Viper Cane Twin Sword: Mandarin Duck Double-Blade Scabbard Dagger: Leisure Fan Sheath Twin Daggers: Water-Splitting Flying Fish Stiletto Sheath Outfit Black and White Death Messengers Crimson Brocade Fur Coat Tiger Head Clothes Ghost Wing Clothing Leave the Mortal World Clothes ( Break Eggs Event outfit ) Ranking: Famous Martial Art Expert Rank 1 Famous Internal Skill Expert Rank 6 Famous Meridian Expert Rank 2 Notable Skillsets (this account had almost every school/jianghu skill set) (skill learning progress 91%) Crazed Demon (1 combo KO) - Red Armor lvl 6, Charge/Anti-Air/Rage lvl 8, the rest lvl 4-6 Arhat Fist - Full Set locked to 6 ( Parry Buff 6/6) Dragon Claw(Ancient) - Parry Buff 3/3 Taichi Fist (Ancient) - Pluck the Peacock, Opening the Tai Chi (both 3/3) Head Butt - Full Set lvl 6 Dragon Slap - Charge/Rage lvl 8, the rest 6 Heart Buddle Palm(cash set) - Full set lvl 6 Heartless Seven Skills - 2 Charges lvl 5, Rage lvl 7, Parry Buff lvl 4 YanYang Blade - Rage lvl 8, the rest lvl 6 Full Moon Scimitar - Full set lvl 6 Yuanyang Twin Blade - Pull/Spin lvl 8, the rest lvl 6 Mozi Sword - Full set lvl 6 Golden Snake Sword ( Sky Ladder Set ) - lvl 1 Shura Blade - Yellow Armor Dance/Rage lvl 8, the rest lvl 6 Shenfeng Skill ( Dagger cash Set ) - Full set lvl 6 Perish Blade - Rage/Spam/Fient lvl 5 the rest lvl 4 Heavenly Dance - Rage/Charge/Feint lvl 8 the rest lvl 6 The 8 Diagrams Staff - lvl 6 Victorious - lvl 6 Spirit Snake - lvl 9 Dog Beating 4th set - lvl 6 Tempest Staff - lvl 6 Cross Soul Chasing ( Newest 1 ) - lvl 3 Demon Soul Chasing Blade - Full set unlock to 4 RG Claw - Full Set, Pull/Spin/Rage lvl 5 Misc Skill (all maxed lvl) : Flying Horse/Circle Moon, Arhat Parry buff, Far and Remove, Turn Weapon Around, Trick the Enemy (lvl4), all Internal Alchemy Unlocked. There are many more in the account, if you are interest and serious about buying please contact
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