Shipping to the PAYPAL confirmed address

Discussion in 'Guides for Sale - Buy & Sell' started by AGBguy, 8/15/17.

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  1. AGBguy

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    is there a way to trick this kind of rules ? down below is my conversation with the support of the site i want to refund
    one last question , i want to send a smartphone as a birthday gift to my son , he lives in another country for his studies, so if i pay with paypal , can i choose the destination adresse or it will be shipped automatically to the paypal adresse? thanks for answering
    In the shipping address you write in PayPal must the same as the shipping address on our website
    Because we only ship the package to the address you write in PayPal
    That means if you write the delivery address of you son in PayPal
    You need write the same shipping address on our website
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