Information: Server:WhiteTiger Red Skull Shaolin List of things this account has is as follows 108 meridians and 144 school meridian Green Bamboo Scabbard and Spiked Club Sheath Black and White undertaker outfit Lore Yanyang blade Mozi Sword Head butt Nine palace Swords Phantom Twin daggers Victorious Staff Lvl 36 1st-3rd inners and 49 4th inner Poison Toad as lvl 45 and learned to 52 Full gold Class 5 gear and Jade class 3 chest Lighting Mink and Red Flame Bird Legendary Herbalist Legendary Craftsman Legendary Musician Royal Guard Chains and Wanderers Valley Perish All Flying skills in the game Drunken master Lvl 8 school skill sets and Some Long boxing at lvl 9 My personal price would be 150$ but i'm willing to Negotiate