SH22 Hero 62 trillions rss

Discussion in 'Game of War Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Platinumsdh, 11/18/16.

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  1. Platinumsdh

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    Hero 62 with xp for 63
    6bil research power
    Economics finished
    Combat finished
    Wall traps finished
    Restorative finished
    Strategic combat finished
    Strategic wall traps finished
    Crafting finished
    Hero and Set bonus nearly finished
    March, Defense and Wild combat over half finished

    Over trillion of every rss
    14+million gold
    Complete lvl6 frostlords boosted to 4 and other gear
    Research gear
    Monster gear
    Gathering gear
    Training gear
    Building gear
    16 hero presets
    100s of thousands of chests
    Countless materials, cores, pieces, gems
    Lots of speedups
    Many buildings already lvl22 Academy, Barracks, Villa, Hospital, Forge, Walls, Watchtower, Marketplace, Gymnos Logging camp, Mine, Quarry, and 2 farms
    Others lvl21 Altar, Storehouse, Prison, Hall of war, Embassy, 4 Barracks, 7 Hospitals, 2 Villas, 19 farms
    Lvl16 Explorer Dungeon with many Talents, Greater Talents and Abilities done.
    Max treasury making 374,000 gold every 24hrs

    200 via paypal
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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