SH21-94M K358-Timo/Full T3 troops&traps

Discussion in 'Game of War Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Games, 1/12/15.

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  1. Games

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    I'm throwing in the towel with this.

    All T3 Troops: Regular(150K of each type)/Strats (650K of each type) totaling around 2.2 mil troops and T3 Traps: Normal/Strats (~40K of each type) researched, a full 125K wall's worth.

    Hero: 48 ~10M xp till 49. Nothing special about the gear. Have a few ok research/construction items.

    Tons of lvl5/6 mats and gems, many of which are event items.

    Lots of different researches done. 9s and 10s in combats/wall traps. T3 restoration to lvl 6 for the traps.

    Buildings currently set up to mass produce troops. Do 14K T3 troops for a 3 day speed up.

    Lots and lots of rss (over 200 of the 5M items for all rss) and general boosts/shields.

    Currently in the #3 alliance(7B power,lots of BIG guys and heavy spenders, i.e. tons of gifts daily).

    Ranked around #250 in power at the time of this posting.

    Feel free to offer, but please be reasonable. A bit of $$$ has been fed into this account, but I don't need to recoup all of it. Make a fair offer.

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