Selling  SH 41, 3 farms (30sh, 30sh, 25-26 sh)

Discussion in 'King of Avalon Accounts for Sale - Buy & Sell | Safe & Cheap' started by Brendan Svaton, 11/13/20.

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  1. Brendan Svaton

    Brendan Svaton
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    I am probably going to sell my account i have over 40k put into them over time at least i actually probably am closer to $100,000 USD. Anyways my main is a 41 stronghold with a Chinese new year permeant skin that is rare I guess a lot of people missed it, it was only available to buy on that day. I can get really detailed for serious buyers but the basics are I am a 41 I already upgraded the range that is needed to become a 42, which is 300 royal badges to do, and I am currently 120 royal badges short of a 42. We are in a peaceful kingdom so you only need to shield for raid stage. So no need to keep shielded and that costs money and your resources are safe, again only 1 day a month which is raid stage you need to shield unless you want to participate. Back to details, I have 4 of the empyrian weapons that one is a +2, 2 are +1, and one is no pluses. The other two weapons are +2 destruction gear so as soon as I get enough ingots i can upgrade because you need +2 destruction and ingot you get the top level weapons. I have all apocalyptic statues are various levels none of them are at the beginning level. I have all water drake emblems at various levels. I have a 6 star dragon (blue/pink) on 41sh, the farms have the red dragon maybe a 5 or a 4 minimum and those 30 sh farms have 5 of 6 destruction gear I believe and hegemony on others. Back to 41, I have wolf set to help reduce costs of building and research you can equip before building/research that I s still $100 USD to get. I have all hero's except 1 of the S3 which is should have in 3 days, so I can equip the most benefitable heroes to increase stats by equipping the NS3, NS2, and the other heroes to activate 3 of the benefits for certain hero's being selected on hero counsel. Also when I get the 2nd S3 hero I get the Roar talent also. Artifacts are all best available the are either at the first "red" level or the notch below it. I think water is holding my progress back. If interested and have questions lmk. O and I have permentant marches for easter bunnies, the single wolf Fenrir, temporary Nutcrackers, and possibly one more permeant and temporary. bsvaton @ ya....................o and in 320 kingdom if that matters we are becoming a strong kingdom. I have my own farm in 320 named NYC and my big castle is in group named 320 in kingdom 320 also. so all 3 are in 320
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