Selling SH 21 237 million power t4 account 4 sale kingdom...

Discussion in 'Game of War Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Brandon Mosby, 1/2/15.

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  1. Brandon Mosby

    Brandon Mosby
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    SH 21 237 million power t4 account 4 sale kingdom 254 Plato Regular t4 and strat t4 unlocked Hero level 50 T4 traps unlocked ranked in the top 100 power and also in the ruling alliance of plato. 4.5 mil t3 almost 1 mil t4 mix between reg and strat 500k t1 meats 160 days worth of speeds on the account 100k gold and 10k in treasury Tons of cores and boxes to open at your leisure 9.9 million casino chips 1 billionn food 1 billion stone 1 billion wood 45 mil silver 150 million ore Lots of research complete but still some left for you to chose. I'm looking for someone that is serious buyer and am willing to make a good deal. Email me at [email protected] Pay pal payments only Will transfer email and password after proof of payment Any questions please email me
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