SH 19 for sale in a majorly active, fun, and gifting alliance + free farm account! #78 Unelanuhi Kingdom in alliance with almost 5 Billion power! Roughly 100+gifts received each day!!! Level 48 Hero VIP 10 Approx 15M+ in power Urban Buildings - Hospitals - 1x18, 2x15, 1x16, 2x17 - Villas - 1x19, 1x17, 1x15, 3x14 - Prison - lv 10 - Watchtower - lv18 - Barracks - 1x19, 1x15, 1x12, 1x12 - Embassy - lv17 - Storehouse - lv18 - Academy - lv18 - Marketplace - lv18 - Gymnos - lv17 - Walls - lv18 - Forge - lv18 - Hall of War - lv10 - Treasury - lv2 Rural - Mines - 1x19, 4x17 - Logging Camps - 1 x 19, 1x17, 1x16, 1x15 - Quarries - 1x19, 1x18, 1x17, 3x 15 - Farm - 1x19, 4x17, 1x16 - Gold Mine - 1 Research Combat - Tier 3 Troops Completed - Scouting - 9/10 - Infantry/Ranged/Cavalry Attack - 6/10 - Infanty/Ranged/Cavalry Defense - 7/10 - Siege Attack/Defense - 7/10 - Troop Health/Defense - 6/10 Strategic Combat - Tier 3 Troops Completed - Strategic Infantry/Ranged/Cavalry Attack - 5/10 - Strategic Infantry/Ranged/Cavalry Defense - 4/10 - Strategic Troop Health - 5/10 Wall Traps - Tier 3 Traps Completed - Trap Defense/Attack - 6/10 Strategic Wall Traps - Tier 3 Traps In Progress - Strategic Trap Defense/Attack - 4/10 Economics - Construction - 9/10 - Wood/Stone/Food/Ore Production - 8/10 - Troop Load/March Speed - 8/10 - Gathering - 7/10 - Gold Gathering - 3/10 Special Items - over 200x 7 day boosts - over 1,300 15min speed ups - 400 1 hour speed ups - 17x3 hour speed ups - 29x8 hour speed ups - 3x15 hour speed ups - 1x3 days speed up - 1x30 day speed up! - 90x winged boots - 51 Pegasus wings - the list goes on and on and on! 150K T3 troops, got zeroed recently, building up troops again now. 90K Gold + 20 in the Treasury = over 110K GOLD = over $400 value! SO MUCH RSS won from alliance gifts, and from casino! Too much to list. Message with any questions!