Sold Sh 19 10 mil power New Kingdom kingdom 240

Discussion in 'King of Avalon Accounts for Sale - Buy & Sell | Safe & Cheap' started by Rabbit17, 4/21/17.

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  1. Rabbit17

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    Selling this account due to lack of time to play. It is one of the stronger accounts in the kingdom these are the stats:

    Power ranking: 60
    Lord ranking: 45
    Dragon ranking: 16
    Kills ranking: 11
    Sh ranking: 57
    Dragon spiri ranking: 3

    there are about 40 million resources in packs after silver and iron conversion rate.
    Almost everything to get sh 20 is present minus iron(Should not take more than a day or two
    Comes with 3 lvl 10 farms(good amount of resources as well).
    Dragon lvl 31
    Lord lvl 24
    all t7 unlocked
    Can easily be a top 30 or so in power ranking but I always went for kills and lost a lot of troops.
    Base power before troops is 7 million.
    research power:1.2mil
    building power:4mil
    6 advanced teleports, 21 shields(mostly 2 hours), 37 defense boosts, etc.
    equipment is weakest part of account, all green and one blue.

    Looking for 150$
    payment method will be itunes gift card or code. (will not be doing paypal, too many times has someone destroyed account and filed for refund)
    Feel free to ask any questions
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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