Selling  Global  Android and iOS Seven Knights Account IGN: Ahoymate

Discussion in 'Seven Knights Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by jepoiuno1, 1/31/20.

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  1. jepoiuno1

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    Still Playing up today until buyer gets the account
    Most Heroes have Costumes especially Legendary Costumes (All Special Heroes have Legendary Costumes)
    Did not focus much on Normal Heroes since its more important to make the Special Heroes Strong (Some of the Normal Heroes doesn't have use at all)
    Login to EveryNetmarble and can reset the password using a created dummy GMail account(will give both user name and password once payment through Paypal is received)
    Looking to sell around $100
    PM me on line my id is goodchoiceman
    PM me on whatsapp my id is goodchoiceman
    PM me on discord my id is goodchoiceman#8895

    Keys 5000+
    Rubies 10000+
    Topazes 1400+

    Level 78 Account

    Mythical Heroes
    50+5 Orkah (4x Trancended Items +5, Luxurious Guardian's Ring with Isabella Substat, Awakened Jewels +5 3x, Stage 3 Exclusive Item)
    50+5 Trude (4x Trancended Items +5, World Boss Commemoration Ring for Immunity 4 turns with Isabella Substat, Awakened Jewels +5 3x, Rockstar Theme Costumes)
    50+5 Dellons (4x Trancended Items +10, Luxurious Guardian's Ring with Isabella Substat, Stage 3 Exclusive Item, Jewels +5 3x, Follower of Evil Legendary Costume)
    50+5 Shane (2x Trancended Attack Items +10, 2x Trancended Defense Items +5, Luxurious Ring of Speed, Stage 3 Exclusive Item, Jewels +5 3x, Pursuer of Destruction Legendary Costume)
    50 Kris (4x Trancended Items +5, Luxurious Guardian's Ring with Death Debuff, Awakened Jewels +5 3x, Stage 3 Exclusive Item, Order of the Hawk Legendary Costume)
    50 Evan (4x Trancended Items +5, Isabella's Deception, Jewels +5 3x, Stage 3 Exclusive Item, Four Tiger Sword and Blooming Season: White Awakened Costume)
    50 Sun Wukong (4x Trancended Items +10, Luxurious Guardian's Ring with Isabella Substat, Jewels +5 3x, Stage 3 Exclusive Item, Black Spikes Legendary Costume)
    50 Velika (4 Awakened Items, Luxurious Ring of Poison, Witch of the Abyss Awakened Costume)
    50 Freyja (4x Trancended Items +10, Luxurious Guardian's Ring, Jewels +5 3x, Stage 3 Exclusive Item)
    44 sKULD (4x Awakened Items +5, Luxurious Guardian's Ring, Jewels +5 3x, Stage 3 Exclusive Item)
    42 Sizar (4x Trancended Items +10, Luxurious Guardian's Ring, Jewels +5 3x, Stage 2 Exclusive Item)
    40 Sizar (4x Trancended Items +10, Luxurious Guardian's Ring, Jewels +5 3x, Stage 1 Exclusive Item)

    Awakened Special Heroes
    50+10 Yeonhee (4x Awakened Items +5, Luxurious Willful Ring with Isabella Substat, Stage 3 Exclusive Item, Jewels 3x, Lodestar of Battle Legendary Costume)
    50+10 Bathory (4x Awakened Items +5, Worn Guardian's Ring, Stage 3 Exclusive Item, Jewels 3x, Pursuer of Destruction Legendary Costume)
    50+10 Pallanus (4x Trancended Items +10, Luxurious Willful Ring with Debuff Removal 34%, Stage 3 Exclusive Item, Limit Break Basic Traits, Jewels 3x, Follower of Evil Legendary Costume and Guild Guardian Costume)
    50+10 Silvesta (4x Trancended Items +7, Luxurious Earrings of Magic, Jewels x3, Exclusive Items Stage 3, Follower of Evil Legendary Costume and Six-Pointed Crystal Awakened Costume)
    50+10 Taka (4x Awakened Items +5, Luxurious Ring of Eyes, Exclusive Items Stage 3, Star Curtain Legendary Costume and Guild Guardian Costume)
    50+10 Amelia (4x Trancended Items +5, Luxurious Necklace of Chance, Jewels 3x, Exclusive Item Stage 1, Pursuer if Destruction Legendary Costume)
    50+10 Colt (4x Awakened Items +5, Luxurious Earrings of Magic, Jewels x3, Exclusive Items Stage 3, Lodestar of Battle Legendary Costume)
    50+10 Ace (4x Awakened Items +5, Gelidus' Velocity, Jewels 3x, Exclusive Item Stage 1, Black Spikes Legendary Costume)
    50+10 Karma (4x Awakened Items, Luxurious Earrings of Magic, Jewels 3x, Exclusive Items Stage 3, Lodestar of Battle Legendary Costume and Night Dragon Costume)
    50+10 Teo (4x Awakened Items, Luxurious Willful Ring with Debuff Substat 33%, Jewels 3x, Exclusive Items Stage 3, Lodestar of Battle Legendary Costume)
    50+10 Rin (4x Awakened Items +5, Worn Willful Ring with Isabella Substat, Jewels 3x, Exclusive Items Stage 3, Black Spikes Legendary Costume)
    50+10 Jave (4x Awakened Items +5, Isabella's Illusion, Exclusive Item Stage 1, Jewels 3x, Order of the Hawk Legendary Costume)
    50+10 Rachel (4x Awakened Items, Luxurious Ring of Death, Exclusive Item Stage 1, Jewels 3x, Order of the Hawk Legendary Costume)
    50+10 Eileene (4x Awakened Items +5, Worn Willful Ring, Exclusive Item Stage 1, Jewels 3x, Order of the Hawk Legendary Costume)
    50+10 Rudy (4x Awakened Items +5, Luxurious Willful Ring, Jewels 3x, Exclusive Items Stage 3, Pioneer Awakened Costume)
    50+10 Tara (4x Awakened Items +5, Luxurious Willful Ring with Debuff Substat, Stage 3 Exclusive Item, Jewels 3x)
    50+10 Mulan (4x Awakaned Items +5, Luxurious Earrings of Magic, Stage 3 Exclusive Item, Jewels 3x, Pursuer of Destruction Legendary Costume)
    50+5 Atalanta (4x Awakened Items, Jewels x3, Isabella's Vigor, Exclusive Item Stage 1, Pursuer of Destruction Legendary Costume)
    50+10 Clemyth (4x Awakened Items +5, Luxurious Earrings of Magic, Stage 3 Exclusive Item, Jewels 3x, Antique Violet Awakened Costume)
    50+10 Ingrid (4x Awakened Items, Luxurious Ring of Eyes, Exclusive Item Stage 1, Pursuer of Destruction Legendary Costume)
    50+10 Kagura (4x Awakened Items, Luxurious Necklace of Revenge, Exclusive Item Stage 1, Jewels 3x, Pursuer of Destruction Legendary Costume)
    50+10 Roro (4x Trancended Items, Luxurious Lucky Ring, Exclusive Item Stage 1, Pursuer of Destruction Legendary Costume)
    50+10 Miho (4x Awakened Items, Luxurious Earrings of Magic, Lodestar of Battle Legendary Costume)
    50+10 Li Bai (4x Awakened Items +5, Luxurious Willfull Ring with Debuff Substat, Jewels 3x, Pursuer of Destruction Legendary Costume)
    50+10 Vanessa (4x Awakened Items, Luxurious Ring of Speed, Exclusive Item Stage 1, Jewels 3x, Order of the Hawk Legendary Costume)
    50+10 Aquila (4x Awakened Items, Luxurious Protection Ring, Jewels 3x, Exclusive Item Stage 1, Lodestar of Battle Legendary Costume)
    50+10 Branze and Bransel (4x Awakened Items, Isabella Evil Eye, Jewels 3x, Exclusive Item Stage 1, Follower of Evil Legendary and Guild Guardian Costume)
    50+10 Klahan (4x Awakened Items, Isabella Evil Eye, Jewels 3x, Guild Exclusive Item Stage 1, Pursuer of Destruction Legendary Costume and Guild Guardian Costume)
    50+10 Mercure (4x Awakened Items , Isabella's Curse, Jewels 3x, Exclusive Item Stage 1, Follower of Evil Legendary Costume)
    50+10 Kyle (4x Awakened Items, Luxurious Ring of Flesh, Jewels 3x, Exclusive Items Stage 3, Black Spikes Legendary Costume)
    50+10 Lubu (4x Awakened Items, Luxurious Earrings of Magic, Jewels 3x, Exclusive Item Stage 3, Black Spikes Legendary Costume)
    50+10 Spike (4x Awakened Items +5, Luxurious Earrings of Magic, Jewels 3x, Exclusive Item Stage 1, Order of the Hawk Legendary Costume)
    50+5 Aleem (4x Awakened Items +5, Luxurious Willful Ring with Isabella's Substat, Jewels x3, Scholar in Blue Awakened Costume and Peridot Costume)
    50+5 Orly (4x Awakened Items, Luxurious Earrings of Magic, Jewels 3x, Exclusive Item Stage 1, Star Curtain Legendary Costume)
    50+5 Karl Heron (4x Awakened Items, Luxurious Necklace of Chance, Exclusive Item Stage 1, White Feather Legendary Costume)
    50+5 Kyrielle, (4x Awakened Items, Isabella's Illusion, Exclusive Item Stage 1, Starlight Guide Legendary Costume)
    50+5 Elysia (4x Items, Isabella's Curse, Jewels x3, Exclusive Item Stage 1, Lodestar of Battle Legendary Costume)
    50+5 Platin (4x Awakened Items, Luxurious Ring of Speed, Exclusive Item Stage 1, Jewels 3x, Follower of Evil Legendary Costume)
    50+10 Ryan (4x Awakened Items, Luxurious Ring of Eyes, Exclusive Item Stage 1, Jewels 3x, Starlight Guide Legendary Costume)
    50+10 Aris (4x Awakened Items, Gelidus Velocity, Exclusive Item Stage 1, Guild Guardian Costume)

    Awakened Normal Heroes
    50+10 Spina (4 Awakened Items +5, Isabella's Evil Eye, Exclusive Items Stage 3, Jewels x3, Tidal Horn Awakened Costume)
    50+10 Nezha (4 Awakened Items, Luxurious Life-steal Earrings, Exclusive Item Stage 1, Ethereal Patron Legendary Costume)
    50+10 Karin (4 Awakened Items, Luxurious Necklace of Revenge, Exclusive Item Stage 1, Blessed Light Awakened Costume)
    50+10 Sebastian (4 Awakened Items +5, Gelidus Madness, Exclusive Item Stage 3, Jewels x3, Sommelier Awakened Costume)
    50+10 Bi Dam (4 Awakened Items, Luxurious Protection Necklace)
    50+10 Lina (4 Awakened Items, Luxurious Protection Necklace, Exclusive Item Stage 3, Jewels 3x, Pursuer of Destruction Legendary Costume)
    50+10 Hayoung (4 Awakened Items +5, Luxurious Necklace of Revenge, Jewels 3x, Winter Rhapsody Awakened Costume)
    5010 Knox (4 Awakened Items, Luxurious Ring of Poison, Glacial Destroyer Awakened Costume)

    50+10 Yuri (4 Awakened Items, Luxurious Protection Ring)
    50+10 Ruri (4 Awakened Items, Luxurious Necklace of Revenge, Tower Trapped Beauty Awakened Costume)
    50+10 Rook (4 Awakened Items, Luxurious Protection Ring, Glacial Roar Awakened Costume)
    50+10 Ballista (4 Awakened Items, Luxurious Earrings of Magic, Peridot Awakened Costume)
    50+10 Aragon (4 Awakened Items, Luxurious Earrings of Magic, Garden Tea Party Awakened Costume)
    50+10 Da Qiao (4 Awakened Items, Luxurious Ring of Poison)
    50+10 Chloe (4 Awakened Items, Luxurious Necklace of Revenge, Race Engineer Awakened Costume)
    50+10 Feng Yan (4 Awakened Items, Luxurious Ring of Speed, Phantasmal Pathfinder Awakened Costume)
    50+5 Soi (4 Awakened Items, Luxurious Protection Ring)
    50+5 Hellenia (4 Items, Luxurious Ring of Determination, Witch of the East Awakened Costume)
    50+5 Heavenia (4 Items, Luxurious Ring of Sense, Witch of the North Awakened Costume)
    50+5 Sieg (4 Items, Luxurious Ring of Speed, General Black Bull Awakened Costume)
    50+5 Chancellor (4 Awakened Items, Luxurious Ring of Flame, Glacial Guardian Awakened Costume)
    50+5 Jupy (4 Items, Luxurious Necklace of Concentration, Music Box Fairy Awakened Costume)
    50+5 Sylvia (4 Awakened Items, Isabella's Deception, Blood-Red Flower Dancer Awakened Costume)
    50+5 Evan (4 Awakened Items, Isabella's Deception, Four Tiger Sword Awakened Costume)
    50+5 Nia (4 Awakened Items, Isabella's Deception, Four Tiger Sword Awakened Costume)
    50+5 Espada (4 Awakened Items, Isabella's Deception, Four Tiger Sword Awakened Costume)
    50+5 Yu Shin (4 Awakened Items, Isabella's Deception, Prince of Spring Awakened Costume)
    50+5 Li (4 Awakened Items, Isabella's Deception, Humanoid Awakened Costume)
    42+5 Ariel (4 Awakened Items, Isabella's Deception, Royal Magician Costume)

    Extra Special Heroes
    Orkah 2x
    Trude 4x
    Atalanta 2x
    Clemyth 11x
    Ingrid 2x
    Mulan 5x
    Silvesta 2x
    Tara 2x
    Aquila 4x
    Li Bai 5x
    Aleem 3x
    Orly 3x
    Mercure 4x
    Yeonhee 6x
    Kyrielle 3x
    Taka 2x
    Karma 3x
    Teo 3x
    Lu Bu 6x
    Sun Wukong 2x
    Ace 3x
    Eileene 2x
    Dellons 3x
    Rudy 2x
    Branze and Bransel
    Klahan 3x
    Kagura 2x
    Karl Heron 2x
    Aris 3x

    Special Pets
    6 Star Jeo
    6 Star Yeonji
    6 Star Toby
    6 Star Richel
    6 Star Karam
    6 Star Yorang
    6 Star Bigtoe
    6 Star Yu
    6 Star Pike
    6 Star Dello
    6 Star Ruu
    6 Star Salam
    6 Star Luckie
    6 Star Helipin
    6 Star Beebee
    6 Star Aivan
    6 Star Mole
    6 Star Eri
    6 Star Mick
    5 Star Kail
    5 Star Pocong
    5 Star Chaho
    5 Star Jev
    5 Star Kree
    4 Star Windy
    4 Star Yeonji
    4 Star Zanabi
    4 Star Irin
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