Selling Server: Macedon Lvl: 138 Might: 1,759,413 Gold:...

Discussion in 'Atlantica Online Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Bruno Evaristo, 7/21/15.

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  1. Bruno Evaristo

    Bruno Evaristo
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    High Risk Status: This user has been flagged as high risk due to one or more reasons

    Server: Macedon Lvl: 138 Might: 1,759,413 Gold: 7,200,000,000 Main: SwordMain Merc: Odysseus, Morrighan, naruk, Anne Bonny (Pirate), Pocahontas (Elementista), Himiko (Empress) Washinton, Okuni, Hassen, Da Vinci, Princess, Kim Yoo Shin (Hwarang) Warlord, Michael (Exorcist), Joan 'arc, Leonidas, Rin (Puppet), Cassandra, BlueTooth, Morgan Le Fey, Dharma, Carmilla (Vampire). Contact: Bruno Evaristo | Facebook. Price to negotiate. The Account will come + 3 Months of Blessing and 2 Months Premiun 'Tele, patrol and Etc.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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