Server Hanure (NA). DaggerSpell Lvl 55, 4k+ gear score, Celestial BUFF. *** Equips: (5/5)Cloth Set T3, Helm Divine, Another parts Celestial. Katana t3, Celestial. Shield Obsidian T4, Divine. Earrings Magnificent celestial. Serpentis Ring + Celestial Illustrious wave ring. Flute Obsidian Celestial T3 **Gold / Easy selling items: About 2k. **Loyalty 270 Loyalty tokens for use. Sloth Glider ** Mounts: Carrot Wings (Lv50) ThunderDash (Lv50) Lilyut Horse (Lv50) Submarine ** Vehicles: Lutesong Junk (Well geared, every gear between unique and divine) Merchant (Both unique sails) Hauler Clipper ** Misc: Several slots opened on the bag. Character criation up to 4 characters (Expanded). Scarecrows and gilda star designs ready to use. Several titles and achievements. ****> Selling the whole account or just items.