Selling  Server 552 k30 80mil power level 5 dragon

Discussion in 'Evony Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Austin Baublitz, 8/29/21.

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  1. Austin Baublitz

    Austin Baublitz
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    DCD425B8-C2AA-4463-A8B9-C54CAADE80B0.png 3110C1CC-F867-486C-B846-2B5908273C16.png 403B71A9-6185-4608-8C6D-9F2BC7516E20.png BFEA2023-6FA1-4A66-99EA-A233CF49E3B2.png F394B0D6-4FF6-4BB4-BBB1-2F878BC36EE9.png A0FB587B-F267-4ABC-8400-A1FED279D43B.png 89F51FFF-E51E-4EF8-B03F-7EDD9A9C1743.png CD536EDF-A991-4EBD-9BEC-654025A5CD48.png E728CD70-D40B-4FB1-B045-2862A1BCF127.png 921B964D-BEDE-4030-8573-60B50EF4A29A.png B2F4E8AB-55A9-4B5E-A126-EDA975D725BE.png 2679BB10-0C5A-48C3-A509-383B3E9CCC63.png C4E28E99-B0D7-4D55-91B6-29F1D694FB20.png K30 account in the top alliance on the server. It has everything upgraded in order to start your k31 upgrade. T12 mounted and currently finishing upgrade for t12 archer (level 30 archer camp) academy is level 30 with a lot of research done. Celtic dragon level 5 plenty of gold generals. Over 100mil gold and a stocked inventory. VIP level is 13, not far off from 14. Over 1 million troops, good generals for each troop type and for officer spots on archer tower, keep, hospital, wall etc. account has a name change in inventory so you can make the name anything you like. Lots and lots of time and money invested much more than asking price so you would get quite a good boost for the price.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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