Selling  Android and iOS  High End Server 3 - Level 121 Account

Discussion in 'Disney Heroes Battle Mode Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by gereffi, 6/29/19.

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  1. gereffi

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    I've been playing this game since launch, but I now have a lot less time to play so I'm looking to sell my account. This account is great for a new or intermediate player who is willing to spend some money on this game. $250 will get you a little bit of stuff on a new account, but this account would take thousands of dollars and lots of time to get to from a new account. I haven't spent any money on the game recently, so it is falling slightly behind where it used to be, but the account is in the top 400 players on the server in total power and the top 200 in team power.

    The account is only missing 2 characters, both of which came out last week. Half of the characters that I have are 6 stars. Pics below show every character on my roster. The account is VIP 9 and in a top 10 guild.

    #1 gereffi, 6/29/19
    Last edited: 6/29/19
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