Selling  High End  Original Owner (Yes) Server 1302, Love u MAL, K40, TOP 3 account by buffs on the server, 2.9B power, VIP 16, Wonder 2.

Discussion in 'Evony Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by MagalV, 11/25/24.

  1. MagalV

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    My Location:
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    If you are interesting be ready for fights, this account for you, you don't need to wait till you grow, just ready to go. Good server, I helped build it and used to be one of the leaders of it for over 2 years.

    Reason of selling: something happens to me, and I lost motivation to play.
    Do have 1 ALT account, which will give together with my main account.

    The price is really cheap, I spend something Double, then I ask..., More over during last 2 years, I got always top 10 positions in all events, didnt miss Any Battlefield and Each SvS get reward from Top 10... I am professional in Evony and know everything how build things right, I did care about this account a lot, so you get account built fully correct...

    BUFFS: One of the best buffs on the server, high debuffs as well! If you want to know more details, message me. I dont want show everything on public. Same thing with Research (Military Academy lvl 4).

    Full ready Siege, Mounted, Archer, Ground marshes.

    Mostly all buildings have duty officers with 2-3 red stars for extra buffs, 5 Gold + 5 Purple subs with 1-4 red star majors. Council as well full of 1-5 red stars generals.

    4 Dragons 15+lvls, Burning Godzilla Level 20th - maxed.

    4 Champions Lvl 20.

    I posted some random pictures, which a bit explains how I done, and what I have.

    Have a nice day! hope my account bring you a lot of fun to play, as it gave for me, without spending much money, I use to be depressed, only when built it and boosted a lot, I had those good feelings =).

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    #1 MagalV, 11/25/24
    Last edited: 11/25/24