Selling [Selling] Zigi's Legendary Weapon Shop(Cheapest 2.5 eur per 100/g of weapon worth)

Discussion in 'Guild Wars 2 Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by zigizam, 2/4/19.

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  1. zigizam

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    in stock : 10 gifts of mastery
    ALL hand made ,safest legendary weps
    I can craft any legendary weapon u want for the price of 2.50eur/100g

    example as of current price :
    bifrost 2400g = (2400/100) * 2.50 = 60€
    Incinerator 2200g = (2200/100) * 2.50 = 55€
    and so on
    Note , prices in the example are not valid ,i always take price in the moment of selling !

    add my skype or contact me here:

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