Selling Selling z200 top2 governor for sale

Discussion in 'Invasion Modern Empire Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Koby17, 4/9/17.

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  1. Koby17

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    Hey guys,

    I want to sell my whole accounts from z200. I am the governor there, have a main base now at 75m power, 1 t4 guy in my guild with 140m power.

    my base: 75m power overall
    lab21, 50m xp left for lvl50 comm, colonel t +2, (1 mask missing for joker) headless +3, ishtar +3, eliba +3, bogoba, ibra, lin, have 15 scopes too...
    all troops on lvl10 atk lvl9 def, total def and healt 9, economy all lvl10. now finish allierty def 10 for health lvl10... just total def and health left, for start exactly t4 research. this base is the closest for t4 in the zone now.

    adds: a secondary base with vip5 hq20 on 12m power (without troops) secondary acc is in the zone top30.

    4 farm base, lvl13hq with each rss and cash. they produce 4-5m of oil energy 3m of steel and 5m of cash daily... not really need gathering.

    if you want to know more i can send you screens...

    reason: i invested too much money to this game, and my job dont let the time i waste on it too. spent almost 1500$ total... i want 1k$ for it, but if you have another offer tell me private.

    zone is 76 day old now. young zone

    Line: z200koby17
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