Sold Selling Yul Trickster 100 16 AP

Discussion in 'Lineage 2 Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by monshery, 2/24/17.

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  1. monshery

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    Yul Trickster 100 (16 AP)/Dual Class Iss Enchanter Spectral Dancer 97/Titan 80/Arcana Lord 80


    Enchanted Skill:
    Ultimate bullseye +6
    Multiple arrow +5
    Heavy arrow rain +5
    Phoenix Arrow +5
    Quick shot +7
    Pinpoint shot +7
    Tornado shot +7
    Impact Shot +5

    In same account char for zaken:

    Dwarf Female Tyrr Warrior Maestro with Shadow weapon and dynasty armor/jewel quest, lvl 85 (Leader Clan level 5).
    Ertheia Eviscerator (Dual Iss) with Shadow weapon and dynasty armor/jewel quest, lvl 85/dual iss enchanter.
    Human Male Othell Rogue Adventurer with Shadow weapon and dynasty armor/jewel quest, lvl 85.
    Elf Female Iss Enchanter Sword Muse with Shadow weapon and dynasty armor/jewel quest, lvl 85.
    Dark Elf Female Feoh Wizard Storm Screamer with Shadow weapon and dynasty armor/jewel quest, lvl 85.
    Elf Male Yul Archer Moonlight Sentinel with Shadow weapon and dynasty armor/jewel quest, lvl 85.


    If u interested send me PM :)
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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