As my title, Im cashing out my naked account @ Freya Server. Just hit my inbox with a price. I'm taking PayPal for friends and trusted people. WU/ Wire Transfer for others. Yul ghost ( Dark elf ) 103 lv/ dual tyrr titan 101 lv jew: ruby/obs/opal/diamond/amethyst lv 3 pearl lv 4, skill +9/10 and some item's active skills : reflect P.def and M.def +10% in 1m Hp/Cp + 10% in 5m P. cc dmg 10% Conversion and alots of dyes / items. ++ Some items nfs : Talisman Abundance lv 4 Blessed Atharass earring Talisman insanity And some normal items : Venir lv 14, ring of Anthony, Ring of creation, Monkey's belt