Selling xbox na cp 580 account

Discussion in 'Elder Scrolls Online Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Teamghak, 12/26/16.

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  1. Teamghak

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    Selling my eso account along with my xbox acc. Price will include what i paid for xbox one game as well as the money i paid for buying gold to make alot of my gear.

    I was not an active player that spent time on farming to get money by selling items. I am a full time student that is working part time so i only occupied my time with what i enjoyed with the game which was pvp and dueling. Therefore most of my gear is geared towards pvp. My traits are mostly all impenetrable on my gear. I tried getting all my sets in impenetrable but some are mixed with other traits. All my gear is purple because I did not concern myself with making enough money to gold my gear out and because I was competent with playing very well with purple gear. The difference to me was insignificant and was not worth it. However ALL my weapons are gold.

    I have alot gear, including maelstrom weapons (i hated doing vMA with a passion so i didnt do many runs and did not concern myself with getting leaderboard or getting all weapons Sharpened) I golded out the vMA weapons that i use though.

    In all my builds (mag and stam) i mostly use vMA weapons except for dual wield builds. I have only about 100k on my account stored. My crafter is on my magicka sorc.

    I have 4 maxed level characters (high elf Sorc (max horse speed), redguard stamblade, Redguard stamplar, and high elf magblade)

    If youre interested and want to see detailed pictures of everything i will provide forsure.

    This thread is not very detailed and quick because I spending 30mins typing all the details of the gear and sets i use for both stam and magicka classes but my computer automatically restarted for an update and i lost all the progress Lmao. That is why this is so blunt and non descriptive but if you are interested ill provide pictures.

    base price is $500 (including xbox games, ill provide pictures of them as well, i have cool games like witcher 3, overwatch battlefield 4 and many more......Also like i said in at the start of the post, I was very busy but enjoyed the game so i bought gold from websites like this one and i spend alot on my gear sets and mats to make them jewelry. I also spent all that gold i bought on making my weapons gold....I also spend alot of money on crowns to buy exp scrolls to make my characters max lvl as well as some costumes i bought. Overall i spent more than $500 on my eso account over the last year but since this is not an account where everything is gold and i have millions of gold stored from farming non stop. If interested PM me or email me at [email protected]
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