Hey Sythe! I'm selling some Xbox Live Gold trial membership codes. edit2: BTC only now. $0.4 per code. No Paypal accepted anymore due to limits and stuff. Current stock: 7 codes (21 sept.) - The codes last until the end of October (31 oct 2014). - Can only be applied if you aren't already an Xbox Live Gold member at the time. - You can use multiple codes per account, just have to wait until the previous one runs out. This gives access to most Gold features except for "Free Games With Gold" and Gold-only sales. I also have 2 1-month XBL codes that I can sell for $5 each. Post and PM if you're interested, or for add me directly on Skype for fastest replies: zezimae I accept Dogecoin too. Thanks! ADded you on skype Sold 2 XBL 7-days to huskador, thanks for the trade, enjoy! Just bought 2 codes. Seller very friendly and went quick. Vouch! Still selling! added u Still selling! ill buy some Bought 4, VERY FAST!