Sold Selling Wynn Summoner lv101 Yul Trickster Lv101

Discussion in 'Lineage 2 Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by acmdark, 2/21/17.

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  1. acmdark

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    Wynn Summoner lv 101 / Yul trickster lv.100
    Dark Elf Female

    Main class:

    Wynn Elemental Master lv 101 with 16AP
    Dual class Yul Tricksster Lv 100 with 16 AP

    Mass servitor heal +10, Exile +6, Mas exile +5, Servitor Major heal +10
    Elemental rage +10, Summon barrier +10, Servitor death wisper +10 and
    all marks +10

    Items: marph shirt +7 / Aria STR+3 brazalet / Brillant Broonch
    Lv4 Giant STR dyes +5str -2dex / Hellfire talisman (red) /
    arias int+3 brazalet / exalted quest 3rd part in progress

    account full with boxes for zaken/freya/frintezza Farm!

    Price 70usd
    Paypal verified.
    inbox offers
    if insterest
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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