Sold Selling Wynn Spectral master 99 / Aeore Cardinal 96

Discussion in 'Lineage 2 Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Avto, 10/21/16.

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  1. Avto

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    hello everyone

    WTS Acc with its email, i am the original owner, account has never been in other hands

    Wynn Spectral master Dark elf male lvl 99
    Ability points 11
    Dualclass aeore cardinal 96 lvl
    Subclasses: 80 lvl ghost sentinel
    80 lvl arcana lord

    Items on Acc:
    TW Robe set Demon APP
    2 tw rings
    2 immortal earings
    shadow retributer +3
    La Vie En Rose's Noble brooch
    Talisman - Destruction
    Old Elemental Shirt
    Souldhot (R-Grade) event 26,211
    party Cake 16
    Vitality maintaining potion (1-hour) 27
    birthday vitality potion 1
    wondrous cubic
    daily coin 86
    energy of destruction 122
    entrance pass: octavis (normal) 2
    entrance pass: spezion (epic) 1
    entrance pass: spezion (normal) 1
    cheer stamen event
    birthday hat
    zaken's soul cloack
    freya's soul cloack
    dawn's braclet
    eurpting vitality xp potion 19
    elixit of blessing 10
    drop rate rune 200 % pack (7-day) 3
    freya's heart 2
    fightering memory fragment
    maphr's wind scroll 2
    mark of battle 902
    mentee's mark 22,103
    mysterious blessed no-grade spiritshot 198,959
    mysterious no-grade souldhot 199,972
    mysterious wind scroll 10
    paulin's equipment set (r-grade) event 30-day
    rodemai's rune pack (15-day)
    sp rune 200 % pack (7-day)
    santiago's reel fragment 16
    seal of loyality 120
    xp rune I (Lv. 1-85) 100 % pack (1-hour) event 38
    xp rune III (Lv.1-100+) 200 % pack (7-day)

    payment with paypal or Skrill
    price: 50 $
    Contact skype: batu071285
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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