Sold Selling Wynn Elemental Summoner 101 22% DUAL Iss Hierophant 102 14%

Discussion in 'Lineage 2 Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by InTrance, 9/12/17.

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  1. InTrance

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    Elf Male

    Date of creation

    February 18th 2012

    Wynn Elemental Summoner 101 and 16%
    Iss Hierophant 102 11% +15 CON Prophecy of Might + Battle/Defense ditty learned.


    Exalted Status

    Faction Status
    Kingdom's Royal Guards Level 5 37,50%
    Blackbird Clan Level 4 60%
    Giant Trackers Level 3 85,50%
    Hunters Guild Level 3 2,61%
    Mother Tree Guardians Level 2 38,88%
    Fishing Guild Level 1 45,83%
    Unwordly Visitors Level 1 36,36%

    Skill enchantment main

    Skill enchantment dual
    Sonata +5/5/4
    Cripple Attack +5(break)
    Shadow Attack +5(break)

    Only 3-slot brooch accessory

    Vitality Maintaining Potion 1-hour x45
    Erupting Vitality XP Potion x16
    Top-Grade Love Potion x25
    XP RUNE III (Levels 1 - 100+ ) 100% 1hour x10
    XP RUNE III (Levels 1-100+) 100% 7-days x1
    Birthday Cake x2
    Birthday Vitality Potion 4hour x6
    Birthday Vitality Potion 1hour x7

    Octavis's Shirt

    Event S-80 Armor/Jewels - (Blessed twilight light set +8 can be included but the price go up for additional 50$)

    +7 Shadow Dualsword (Atck Speed 15%, P.Crit.Rate +100)
    +7 Shadow Slasher (Atck speed 15%, P.Crit.Rate +100)
    Shadow Retributer x2 (Casting Speed 5%)
    Shadow Shaper (Dagger) (Atck.Speed 5%)
    Shadow Buster (Casting Speed 5%)
    Augmented Apocalypse Avenger (Augment CON+2) + 2SA (Body Stage 4 HP+24% + Soul Stage 5 HP+12% MP +15%)

    Talisman Annihilation
    Advanced Aria's Bracelet CON +4
    Aria's Bracelet STR +3
    Head Accessory CON+3
    Head Accessory Pdef +5%
    Istina Crystal x26
    Octavis Crystal x13
    Mark of Battle x3813

    The price is 300$ (USD) or 270e (EURO)

    Also i'm selling Healer 101 and Iss Hierophant 101 for 95$ each or 80e each

    If you are interested in any other class, we can talk in skype.

    Contact me via skype : freyrr3
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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