Selling Selling [WW] Fresh Account with single Mirrages (Ix available)

Discussion in 'Tales of the Rays Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by OldManOfThePeak, 8/21/17.

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  1. OldManOfThePeak

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    GLOBAL - ANDROID/iOS Interchangeably

    Wanna sell some Tales of the Rays account with Mirrages on it:

    1. Ix's Mirrages - 7.5$

    2. Mileena's Mirrages -5$

    3. Yuri's Mirrages + >1000 Gems (in inbox) - 5$

    4. Repede's Mirrages + 4x 4* Weapons - 5$

    5. Sophie's Mirrages + 4* Weapon - 5$

    6. Luke's Mirrages + 2x 4* Weapon - 5$

    7. Sorey's Mirrages + 2x 4* Weapon (Ix's Obliteration Surge) - 7.5$

    8. Jude's Mirrages + >1000 Gems (in inbox) - 5$

    -All accounts are linked to Bandai Namco ID
    -Tutorial only, no story touched
    -All other gems are in inbox so it won't get deleted during transfer process

    Payment via PAYPAL only
    For more info or question, feel free to PM me
    For Fresh Account with double MA, please visit here
    Best regards!
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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