Here's the photos for the account. I've been whaling on this account since I was a teenager, and so I've amassed a mighty collection. Tricolour UR's for Hanayo Kanan Mari Nico Honoka Eli, Hanayo and Chika blessed. I have at least 1 gacha UR for EVERY muse and aqours girl. I also have the 2016 "choose the UR" cards for the 1st and 3rd years. Have Mari's World Poster Girl. Very farmable still- I haven't FC'd any expert songs, and haven't even cleared a Master song. most girls aren't max bonded still. Lots of ability to farm loveca. I also have 555,000 friend points for collecting N and R cards fast. This is a once-in-a-lifetime account. I need to quit the game, as I have serious money problems and no space on my phone. I am asking 300 USD through paypal. I would like to use a mod as a middleman to verify my account before I accept payment. Please PM me either here or discord (MaddMoneyMaddy #4362) to inquire! # #/MommaMaddy420 # .