Sold Selling Wtt/selling: Lvl 99 elsword,t.nw erp(60) account, also lvl 99 erp 15

Discussion in 'Elsword Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Leonhartx, 8/13/17.

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  1. Leonhartx

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    Like the title says im looking for a LK account with SD set, im only missing Elrianode shoes on the RS and it has Alterasia ENhanced lvl 85 SD Set, ERP lvl 60, Heroic vision sword HA unlocked, +8 amulet and renewal costume, Rena has Renewal costume, fox bandit Avatar lvl 90.

    The other Account is my T. ST She has the lvl 74+ Altera has ways to go but, she has her summer bikini costume black( the recent one) ERP lvl 15 all passives and skills unlocked just missing HA and lvl 80 Trans passive, overall she is great if you farm her an SD set she has +8 weapon also and +8 amulet.
    Im trading either one of them for a T.LK account or selling them $20 each
    PM me or message me via Skype: diego4951 Screenshots via Message
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