Selling Selling WTT OG Plasmic Aura for any color Runescape Partyhat!!!

Discussion in 'DC Universe Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Shadowfox72, 2/12/17.

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  1. Shadowfox72

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    Hello Everyone!

    As the title states, I am looking to trade an OG Plasmic Aura for any color Partyhat on Runescape (original). I am soon planning on quitting DCUO, and wanting to get rid of everything valuable before I decide to sell the account. I can possibly outright sell it for cash through Paypal, but I would prefer a Partyhat on Runescape because that is most likely what I'd be using the money to buy anyway. I've played both games for a very long time, but my time on DCUO is most likely coming to an end.

    As you may know, the price of the OG Plasmic is going for about 1Bil on the auctions...atleast the last couple of sales were. Which puts it at a cash value of $1000+, depending on the price currently. Partyhats on Runescape go for about the same (except a few), which makes it a fair deal IMO.

    I'll keep this short. If you're interested, leave a reply or message me onsite, so we can discuss it further.

    I may be willing to consider cash offers...we can discuss this.

    Thanks for reading!
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