Selling Wts VT geared epic monk with tons of clickies, 134 aa's, more.

Discussion in 'Steam Items for Sale - Buy & Sell' started by Fencek, 12/30/16.

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  1. Fencek

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    I am selling a fully VT geared Epic monk on Phinigel. This monk can do it all and pretty much solo most zones including Seb, DN, SG, etc... He is easily ready for PoP and has some impressive items to boot.

    Sigil Earring of Veracity (VT) - Clicky!
    Hoop of Chaos (VT)
    Shaded Amice X2 (VT)
    Mask of Dark Thoughts (VT)
    Ring of Crimson Bull (VT)
    Ring of Rage (VT)
    Tine Bone Bracelet (VT) - Illusion Skeleton Clicky!!!
    Cerulean Sleeves (VT)
    Cloudy Mark (VT)

    Mantle of Fortitude (Shie Vinitras)
    Ancient Wyvern Hide Tunic (NToV)
    Cloak of Destruction (VT)
    Cord of Midnight (VT)
    Legging of Fiery Might (VT) - Clicky!
    Sandals of Contempation (VT)
    Orb of Evasion (VT)

    Bag Clickies:
    Veil of Flames (VT) (Fire illusion w/ Damage Shield!!!)
    Cloak of Icy Shadows (VT) (Damage Shiled that stacks!)

    Pegasus Feather Cloak (Leviate)
    Dusty Soriz Worker Pouch (SSra) (Shissar Fangs)

    Arx (Seru)

    134 total w/ 4 unused
    Return Kick 2
    Innate Innerflame 7
    Natural Durability 4
    Combat Agility 3
    Combat Stability 3
    Innate Runspeed 3
    Innate Metabolism 3
    Combat Fury 3
    Finishing Blow 2
    Double Riposte 2
    Physical Enhancement
    Purify Body
    Critical Mend 1
    Rapid Feign 3

    Unbuffed Stats:
    HPs: 5110
    AC: 1463
    Attack: 1357

    Other Notables:
    Steadfast Satchels X2
    Ring of Shissar
    Emp Bane Weapons X2
    Seru Bane Weapons X2
    Regal Worg Saddle

    I have all required account info: Login, pass, SQ/A, and Full name. There is no CC attached. If you want character transferred, then you will cover cost. Otherwise, you should have zero issues doing it yourself.

    I am accepting Paypal via Family and Friends

    I am accepting offers.
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