Sold Selling Wts uspc hero 142 sp 108cr pve 99cr pvp

Discussion in 'DC Universe Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by BoosteRPower, 11/30/17.

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  1. BoosteRPower

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    Hello I am Selling My USPC Account, Because I am Quitting The Game.

    -> 10 Inventory Rows
    -> 13m Cash
    -> Max Bank Slots


    Main Char -> Light DPS/Troll
    -> 108 PvE CR
    -> 99 PvP CR
    -> 141 SP
    -> 3 Armories
    -> Rare Auras + Too Many Styles
    -> All Gear Moded with Special Forces Mods


    2nd Alt -> Ice Tank
    -> 105 PvE CR Tank
    -> 138 SP

    I'm ask for 120$ on paypal. / also trading for butterfly knife in csgo.
    Contact in email [email protected]
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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