Sold Selling Wts uspc acc. W/ many og names, auras and items. Includes an unused og plasmic

Discussion in 'DC Universe Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Shadowfox72, 7/4/17.

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  1. Shadowfox72

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    Hello everyone,

    As the title states, I am trying to sell a USPC account with many goodies. I mainly played on the US server, but as a PC account, you are able to play on both with the same account..this is just an added benefit.

    Anyway, a little back story about me and the account. I have been playing since Jan. 2012, so this is an old account with MANY goodies only offered back then, as well as newer ones. One thing about my play style is I played very casual...never really focused on leveling my toons, but more like collecting styles, items, and Booster Bundle items. With that said, none of my toons are max CR, but they have A LOT of items, both hard to get and unable to get... although, with the way DC is today, it shouldn't take long for someone to reach max CR.

    So, some things my account includes...Ill start with some of the more notable...

    1. Collectors Edition Trinket Code Redeemed on're able to get this on any toon, hero or villain, even newly created characters.
    2. All full DLC's purchased. I have purchased all full DLC's offered...although I do not have any of the smaller episodes. After a certain update, they split up the DLC's into smaller packages players can purchase.
    3. $100 worth of Marketplace items...this includes suits, weapon styles, toys, and trinkets.
    4. All OG Auras offered from Booster Bundles and Time Capsules. On atleast 1 toon, I equipped all OG auras, Plasmic, Nimbus, Smoke, Radiant, Solar, Glimmering etc...
    Also, I have an UNUSED OG PLASMIC AURA on the account. If you know anything about DC, you know this is the rarest, most expensive item in the game, and accounts with equipped OG Plasmics are sought after, let alone unused. This aura easily goes for 1Bil plus ingame...which is about $600 real cash.
    We can discuss this, because currently, I am trying to sell this Plasmic first for some cash, but if youre wanting, you can buy the account with will be more.
    5. Equipped cosmic material.
    6. 5 OG names... these are not names like "Willing", "Unprepared", or even long dictionary words like "Persistence" or "Educated"....Some of you may consider these as OG, and they may be, but they dont compare to the ones on my account. The names I have are 6 and lower character names, which are fitting for hero/villain names... Ive been offered money for a few names on multiple occasions, but I was not prepared to sell them at that time. IF YOURE INTERESTED, you can purchase a name by itself, we can discuss this.

    Anyway, these are some of the big things that I feel make my account valuable. With that being said, I am looking for no less $1050 this includes the unused OG Plasmic on the account...if you want to buy it without the aura on it, Id be willing to sell it for, $400...we can negotiate tho.

    I am taking moneyorder or Paypal.

    If you have any questions post below. If youre interested message me on site.
    Thanks in advanced.
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